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Division of the Midlands District

OWING to the great increase during the last few years in the work of organizing the Institution's appeals, it has been decided to divide the Midlands District, which up to the present has included Ireland and Wales. The Midlands themselves will now form one district, and Ireland and Wales another district, each under a separate Organizing Secre- tary. In Ireland and Wales, however, will be included Shropshire and Here- fordshire. This change has made neces- sary also a slight modification of the North of England District. This has in- cluded up to the present the northern counties of Wales, Anglesey, Carnarvon- shire, Denbighshire and Flintshire. Now that the rest of Wales is no longer part of the Midlands District, the Committee of Management feel that these northern Welsh counties should be detached from the North of England, so that the whole of Wales will be included in the Ireland and Wales District..