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Awards to Coxswains and Life-Boatmen

To WILUAM BBOWS, on his retirement, after serving 17 years as Coxswain, 15 years as Second Coxswain, and previously 18 years a* a member of the crew of the Cressweli Life- boat, a Certificate of Service and a Com- mutation of Pension.

To JAMES BBOWN, on his retirement, after serving 17 years as Second Coxswain, 15 years as Bowman, and 18 years previously as a member of the crew of the Cresswell Life-boat, a Life-boatman's Certificate and a Commutation of Pension.

To JOHN STOREHOUSE, on Ms retirement, after serving 11 years as Coxswain of the Tees- mouth Life-boat, a Certificate of Service and a Pension.

To OBADIAH C. COOPER, on his retirement, after serving 11 years as Coxswain of the Sheringham Life-boat, a Certificate of Ser- vice and a Pension.

To ROBERT H. WEST, on his retirement, after ' serving 11 years as Second Coxswain, and previously 29 years as a member of the crew of the Sneringham Life-boat, a Lifeboat- W man's Certificate and a Pension.

To JOSEPH LITTLE, on his retirement, after serving 26 years as Bowman of the Shering- ham Life-boat, a Life-boatman's Certificate and a Pension.

To JAMBS HAYLETT, on his retirement, alter serving 14 years as Second Coxswain of the Winterton Life-boat, a Pension.

To JOHN L. STRACHAN, on his retirement, after serving 27 years as Signalman and Head Launcher to the Arbroath Life-boat, a Certificate and a Commutation of Pension.

To WILLIAM HTJLLIN, on his retirement, after serving 20 years as Signalman of the Mumbles Life-boat, a Pension.

I To CHAS. WM. CONWAY, on his retirement, ' after serving 5 years as Coxswain, 6 years as Second Coxswain, and previously 23 years as a member of the crew of the Totland Bay Life-boat, a Life-boatman's Certificate of Service.

Life-boatmen's Certificates of Service have been awarded to the following men who have retired, the figure after their names being their years of service:— ARTHUR KEWEIL (36), and WILLIAM GOLDBING (21), of Hayling Island, FREDERICK MID- WINTER (20), of Swanage.

The Institution has also awarded the Gold Brooch and Record of Thanks to Mrs.

WILLIAM BROWN, wife of the Coxswain at CressweU, in recognition of 40 years* service as a launcher and of her help as an honorary worker in collecting money..