Summary of the Meetings of the Committee of Management
Thursday, 21st February, 1924.
The Hon. GEORGE COLVILLE in the Chair Decided to dose the Eastbourne No. 1 Life boat Station.
Reported the receipt of the following special contributions :— £ s. Mr. ALBANY WARD, Collections in Picture Palaces (additional) 640 - ME. J. CULLINOWORTH (subscrip- tion) 52 10 " E. H. W." (additional dona- tion) 50 - —To be thanked.
Paid £10,288 15s. W. for sundry charges in connexion with the construction of Life-boats Life-boat Houses and Slipways, and the maintenance of the various Life-boat establishments.
Voted £610 12s. Id. to pay the expenses o the following Life-boat services :— Live Life-boat. Vessel. rescued Aldeburgh No. 1. S.S. Clan Kennedy, of Glasgow. Landed 18 and rendered assist- ance.
Barry Dock (Motor) Blackpool S.S. Su&, of Slavia. Rendered assistance.
S.S. Nord, of Helsing- borg. Stood by vessel and landed 1.
(Motor) Cloughey Girvan .
Gourdon S.S. Sever Lagan, of Swansea. Stood by vessel.
Brigantine Helgoland, of Plymouth.
Fishing Boat Sea Spray, of Giivan. Saved boat and rescued Motor yawl Lily of the Valley, of Gourdon.
Stood by and es- corted yawl into harbour.
Steam trawler Loroone, of Grimsby. Stood by vessel.
Steam drifter Brae- faad, of Inverness.
Stood by and as- sisted vessel.
Fishing smack Irene, of Lowestoft (also a cat).
S.S. VlieJand, of Hot- teidam. Stood by and rendered assist- ance.
Schooner Canibri, of Liverpool Schooner Fanny Croas- fleld, of Barrow.
Stood by vessel.
The Boulmer Life-boat rendered assistance to the steam trawler Thomas Davison, of Hartlepool.
to pay the expenses chei Also voted £479 Is.
of the following Life-boat launches, assemblies of crews, etc., with a view to assisting persons on vessels in distress:—Blacktock, Blyth (Motor), Boulmer, Cambois, Caister, Clacton- on-Sea (Motor), Donaghadee (Motor), Dunbar, Holyhead No. 1 (Steam), Lowestoft (Motor), Lyme Regis, Margate No. 1, Moelfre, The Mumbles, Peel, Ramsgate, Southend-on-Sea, Southwold, Tynemouth (Motor), Walton-on- the-Naze (Motor), and Wexford (Motor).
The Bridlington Life-boat was also launched.
Granted £33 13s. 6d. to men for injury in the Life-boat service at Cardigan, Piel, Poole, and St. Alines.
Awarded the Bronze Medal of the Institution accompanied by a copy of the Vote, inscribed on Vellum and framed, to ANDREW YOTJNG, Acting Coxswain of the Cloughey, Co. Down, Life-boat, in recognition of his fine seamanship when the Life-boat under his command rescued Tom shipwreck the crew, five in number, of the brigantine Helgoland, of Plymouth, which was totally wrecked off Tara Point, Co. Down, during a strong S.S.E. gale, with a heavy sea, on the 12th January, 1924. Also granted additional monetary rewards to each of the crew, and addressed a Letter of Thanks to the Rev. D. PALMER, Honorary Secretary, For his zeal and co-operation on this occasion.
A full account of this rescue will be found n the report of the Centenary Meeting in this issue.) Reported that in recognition of the services rendered by naval ratings, in the Newburgh life-boat, on the occasion of the wreck of the .rawler Imperial Prince in October last, the lords of the Admiralty had promoted Petty Officer ESSAM to Chief Petty Officer or War- ant Officer, as he choose, and given each of he eleven men six months' seniority.
Voted £1 17*. Sd. to five men for rescuing he two occupants of the motor pilot boat Itella, which was in difficulties off Lynmouth, « the 14th January, 1924. Also granted 5s.
or the use of the boat. The Stella was bound for Appledore to Bristol, but signalled for help as her motor had broken down, and her ails had been blown away. As it was not considered necessary to launch the Life-boat, if weather conditions being moderate, the alvors put off in a rowing boat and brought B boat safely into harbour.
Voted £6 15s. to nine men for rescuing two men, at Girvan, on the 26th December, from Sea Spray, which had gone ashore oan a reef of rocks to the south of Turnberry. As i» weather conditions were moderate it was be better able to reach the Sea Spray than the Life-boat, and the Coxswain of the Life-boat went out with a crew of eight. The men were rescued from a position of considerable danger.
Voted £2 10s. to two men for rescuing the occupant of a fishing boat which caught fire and was destroyed off Porthallow, Cornwall, on the 25th January. Some risk was incurred, and the promptness of the rescuers undoubtedly saved the man's life.
Voted £2 to T. SMITH, £1 to P. DEFRANK, and 10s., together with a copy of " Britain's Life-Boats," to a boy, C. MURTAGH, for their services on the 1st December, when they rescued the crew of five and two passengers from the motor boat Tormore, at Galway. The motor boat was on her way from Aran Islands to Galway when she lost her bearings in the fog, ran ashore near Mutton Island, and was in danger of breaking up. Some risk was incurred, as the rescuers' boat was very small and much overloaded when the rescued were on board.
Voted £8 to eight men for rescuing the crew, nine in number, of the trawler Endora, of Leith, which was wrecked in a fog off Newton- by-tbe-Sea on the 12th December. Also granted 10s. for fuel consumed. The crew had taken to their boat, and when found were drifting towards dangerous rocks and breaking seas. Six of them were taken into the coble, which then took the boat in tow with the other three men on board. Some risk was incurred by the salvors, owing to the darkness and the rocks in the vicinity.
Voted £3 16s. to eleven men for landing or assisting in the landing of five persons from the s.s. Divonia, at Ilfracombe, on the 9th January.
They were the survivors of the French schooner Adolphe, who had been picked up at sea, their vessel having been wrecked near Port Talbot, and abandoned. The Captain of the schooner had lost his life and his crew were exposed in a gale for some hours before being rescued by the Diixmia.
Thursday, 20th March, 1924.
Sir GODFREY BARING, St., in the Chair.
Elected the MARQUESS OF GRAHAM, C.B., C.V.O., a Vice-President of the Institution.
Reported the receipt of the following special contributions :— £ *. d.
MEMBERS AND SUBSCRIBERS TO LLOYD'S (on account). . . 1,000 - - "BATH" 1,000 - MESSRS. WALLACE BROS. . . 500 - Miss MADGE WATSON . . . 105 - MR. FRANCIS GODLEE ... 100 - Miss EDITH M. DEMPSTER . . 100 - " PANTALEONE : A Thank offer- ing " 50 - MBS. A. HICKMAN MORGAN . . 50 - MBS C. ROBINSON .... 25 - I/has CAROLINE COLLINS ... 20 - MB. G. T. GOLDIE 20 - —To be thanked.
Paid £25,342 6s. 5d. for sundry charges in connexion with the construction of Life-boats, Life-boat Houses and Slipways, and the main- of the various Life-boat establish- tenanee ments.
Voted £220 14s. 3 £. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services :— Lives Life-boat. Vessel. rescued.
Abersoch . . Ketch Merit, of Bos- ton. Landed 4.
Broughty Ferry. S.S. City of Manchester, (Motor) of Glasgow. Stood by vessel.
Clacton-on-Sea . Schooner Alatga, of (Motor) Tvedstrand. Stood by vessel.
Filey . . . Ten fishing cobles of Filey. Stood by cobles.
Flamborough . Three fishing cobles of No. 1. Flamborough. Stood by cobles.
Hauxley. . . S.S. Kapland, of Sande- fjord. Stood by Scarborough Fishing coble Jock, of Scarborough. Es- corted coble into harbour.
Selsey (Motor) Motor fishing smack Molly, of Selsey.
Saved vessel and rescued.
Whitby (Motor).
Motor fishing boats Remembrance and Fortuna, of Whitby.
Escorted boats into harbour.
The Easington Life-boat rendered assistance to the steam trawler Cortina, of Grimsby ; the Hauxley Life-boat rendered assistance to the s.s. Kapland, of Sandeford and the Shering- ham Life-boat assisted to save the barge Oceanic, of London, and the crew of three.
Also voted £415 12s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches, assemblies of crews, etc., with a view to assisting persons on vessels in distress:—Aldeburgh No. 2, Caister, Cloughey, Donaghadee (Motor), Donna Nook, Dunbar, Gorleston No. 1, Hythe, Lowestoft (Motor), Newburgh, North Deal, Pwllheli, Ramsgate, Rhoscolyn, Skegness, and Whitby (Motor).
Granted £8 5s. 6d'. to men for injury in the Life-boat service at Aldeburgh.
Voted £6 to JOSEPH TAYLOR, Bowman of the Runswick Life-boat, and his two sons, GEORGE and WILLIAM, for rescuing one of the two hands of the fishing coble Peace, of Runs- wick, which was struck by a heavy squall and capsized, on the 18th January, when out with the fishing fleet to haul crab pots. One of the crew was drowned, but the survivor managed to secure two oars and keep afloat, the cap- sized coble drifting into broken water. It was dangerous to follow her, but the rescuers sailed right in, and were just in time to rescue the man, who wan very exhausted. He was at once taken ashore, and artificial respiration applied, but it was some hours before he recovered.
Thursday, 10th April, 1924.
Sir GODFREY BARING, BT., in the Chair.
Reported the resignation of Major RALPH GLYNN, M.C., from the Committee of Manage- ment, and co-opted the Bight Hon. F. 0. ROBERTS, M.P., to the Committee.
Reported the receipt of the following special contributions :— £ *. d.
" IN MEMORY OF FATHER, born Feb., 1824" (donation) . . 100 - - ANONYMOUS (donation) ... 50 - - —To be thanked.
Paid £15,349 15s. 9d. for sundry charges in connexion with the construction of Life-Boats, Life-boat Houses and Slipways, and the main- tenance of the various Life-boat establishments.
Voted £107 7s. 6rf. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services :— Lives rescued.
Berwick - on - Tweed.
A fishing yawl. Es- corted yawl into har- bour.
Boulmer . . A fishing boat of Craster. Stood by boat.
Holy Island Five fishing cobles of No. 1. Holy Island. Stood by cobles.
Newbiggin . . Nine fishing cobles of Newbiggin. Stood by cobles.
North Sunder- . Twelve fishing cobles • land. of Seahouses. Es- corted cobles into harbour.
The Flamborough No. 1 Life-boat assisted to save the s.s. Allegiance, of Liverpool, and rescued her crew of five.
Also voted £107 8s. 4 t to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches, assemblies I of crews, etc., with a view to assisting persons on vessels in distress :—Caister, Dunbar, Dun- geness No. 1, Gorleston No. 1, Ilfracombe, Johnshaven, Poole and Bournemouth, Selsey : (Motor), Spurn (Motor), and Tenby (Motor).
Granted £43 17s. 6 Z. to men for injury in the Life-boat Service at Blakeney, Blackpool, : Cardigan, and Moelfre.
: Voted a gratuity of £10 to six men who manned the motor boat Champion on the 15th February, and rescued the two survivors of the ketch Lord Hamilton, which was wrecked off Ramsgate on the 12th February. The motor boat also put off again on the 18th February and salved the Life-boat's anchor, which was lost when the Boat went out on the 13th February.
Voted an additional monetary reward to the Life-boat crew and helpers at Boulmer, and! directed that a Letter be sent to the Station expressing the Committee's appreciation of the action of all concerned in successfully launching the Life-boat for service, under very difficult conditions, on the 24th March, 1924.
Directed that Letters of Thanks be sent to Mr. G. GREEXWAY and Mr. MEADE, who greatly assisted at a difficult launch of the Holy Island No. 1 Life-boat for service, on the 24th March, 1924.
Voted £6 to six men for rescuing the crew, four in number, of the fishing boat Mars, off Ilfracombe on the night of the 20th March.
Also granted 10*. for the use of a motor boat, A strong breeze was blowing with a heavy sea, and as the fishing boat had not returned tie motor boat put off and found her disabled about three miles off Bull Point, a line having fouled her propeller. She was towed to Ilfra- combe, with her crew of four, who were cold and famished. Considerable risk was in- curred by the salvors.
Thursday, 15th May, 1924.
Sir GODFREY BARING, BT., in the Chair.
Decided to close the Shoreham and Hayling Island Life-boat Stations.
Reported that in future the Brixham, Tor- quay and Paignton Branches would be known as the Torbay Branch.
Reported the receipt of the following special contributions :— £ s. d.
Miss G. MURIEL BOSTOCK (a great great grand-daughter of Lionel Lukin) (donation) . . 100 - - WHITE STAB LINE, being a por- tion of the contributions made by passengers on board their steamers 100 - - RED STAB LINE, do. do. . 50 - - ANONYMOUS (donation) ... 60 - - MR. KENNETH M. CLARK (in addi- tion to £50 annual subscrip- tion) (donation) 50 - - MR. ALAN C. HABBIS .... 25 - - —To be thanked.
Paid £17,996 16s. 2d. for sundry charges in connexion with the construction of Life-boats, Life-boat Houses and Slipways, and the main- tenance of the various Life-boat establishments.
Voted £24 5s. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services :— Lives Life-boat. Vessel. rescued.
Ball Bay. . . Schooner Jane McCatt of Dublin ... 11 Fraserburgh. . Five fishing boats of (Motor) Fraserburgh. Stood by boats.
The Portrush Life-boat assisted to save the s.s. Silver Thvrn, of Liverpool.
Also voted £199 18s. Gd. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches, assemblies of crews, etc., with a view to assisting persons on, vessels in distress:—Barry Dock (Motor), Blakeney, Brighton, Caister, Dunbar, Gorle- ston No. J, Holyhead, Huna, Newburgh, Newhaven (Motor), Padstow No. 1, Peterhead No. 2 (Motor), Southend-on-Sea, Thurso, and Walton on-the-Naze (Motor).
Granted £44 4s. to men for injury in the Life-boat service at Bridlington, Sheringham, Torquay and Winterton.
Voted a special gratuity to John Holbrook, ex-Coxswain of the Bembridge Life-boat, in recognition of his excellent services with the Life-boat.
Voted a compassionate grant of £5 to the widow of B. C. Oilier. Oilier, who had been a member of the Dungeness Life-boat crew for fourteen years, left his widow in very poor circumstances.
Voted a compassionate grant to Mr. J G. Nevin, late Honorary Secretary of the Torquay Branch, who was injured in the Life-boat Service many years ago, and is now partially disabled, and in poor circumstances.
Voted £3 to four men, including the Ardrossan Harbour Pilot and the Life-boat Coxswain, for putting off in a motor boat, and rescuing two I boys who were being blown out to sea in a small boat, off Ardrossan, on the 24th March. The boys had gone out with nothing in the boat j but pieces of wood, which they used as paddles, and they were unable to control the boat in the strong easterly wind. When picked up they were in an exhausted condition.
Voted £6 to the Coxswain of the Cromarty Life-boat and five other men, for patting off in a motor boat on the night of the 7th April, and searching for several hours for a missing boat with three on board. Also granted 10s. for the use of the motor boat in which the search was made. The small boat, manned by a Minister and his two sons, left Inverness to go to Cromarty.
She met with bad weather and was blown to the north of Cromarty, but, fortunately, found shelter and was able to proceed next morning.
Voted £3 2s. 6d. to the Coxswain of the Gorleston Life-boat and four other men for rescuing the only occupant of a boat which was in distress, on the 30th April. While making for the harbour during a fresh breeze from the S.S.E. with a heavy swell, the boat had her mast carried away, and becoming unmanageable, was in danger of drifting on to the North Bank.
Voted £5 5s. to seven men, who, in two boats, rescued the crew of eight of the trawler Evelyn Joyce, when she stranded at Holy Island, on the 14th April. Also granted £1 f or use of the boats and petrol consumed. The trawler was first seen on fire and the two boats stood by to help when necessary. Later, the trawler drifted ashore and, at some personal risk, the seven salvors took the crew off the burning vessel, and landed them at Holy Island. Friday, 27th June, 1924.
Sir GODFREY BAKING, St., in the Chair.
Reported the receipt of the following special contributions:— £ s. d.
MEMBERS AND SUBSCRIBERS TO LLOYD'S (Balance of Collection) 63 5 - Miss PANTING 25 - - PRUDENTIAIL ASSURANCE CO..LTD., for a " Prudential " Life-boat (on account) 2,000 - - —To be thanked.
Paid £16,990 8s. 7d. for sundry charges in connexion with the construction of Life-boats, Life-boat Houses, and Slipways, and the maintenance of the various Life-boat establishments.
Voted £144 12s.
the following Life- Life-boat.
Boulmer Easington Margate No. 1 .
Walton-on-the- Naze (Motor).
Whitby (Motor) 9rf. to pay the expenses of boat services:— lives Vessel. rescued.
Schooner Saint Jean, of Kirk-wall . . . 3 Steam drifter Tliealby, of Grimsby. Stood by vessel.
S.S. Baron Lovat, of Ardrossan. Stood by vessel.
S.S. Baron Lovat, of Ardrossan. Stood by vessel.
S.S. Medhatt, of Aberdeen.
Stood by vessel.
The Cambois Life-boat assisted to save the s.s. Solhavg, of Haugesund, and rescued from shipwreck her crew of twenty-eight; the Fraserburgh (Motor) Life-boat assisted the steam trawler, Pelagos, of Granton; and the Walton-on-the-Naze (Motor) Life-boat rendered assistance to the s.s. Pass of Bramder, of London.
The Cromer Life-boat was also launched.
Also voted £219 11s. 11 J. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches, assemblies of crews, etc., with a view to assisting persons on vessels in distress:—Blyth (Motor), Bull Bay, Caister, Holy Island No. 1, Johnshaven, North Deal, North Sunderland, Palling No. 2 Portrush, Ramsgate, The Humber (Motor), Torbay (Motor), Totland Bay, Weymouth, and Winterton No. 2.
Granted £4 to men for injury in the Lifeboat service at Wexford.
Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution accompanied by a copy of the Vote, inscribed on Vellum and framed, to John William Storry, in recognition of his courageous action in rescuing three boys, at Whitby, on the 30th May. (This service was described in The Lifeboat for November, 1924.) Awarded Aneroid Barometers, suitably inscribed, to Messrs. John Simpson and Ian Lynn, in recognition of their services in rescuing two men, whose boat capsized off Blairmore, Argyllshire, on the 19th May. The two men were laying moorings in a strong E. by N. wind, when their boat was capsized and they were thrown into the water.
In spite of the heavy sea running, they managed to cling to their boat, which was keel up, until the salvors reached them. It was a very credit- able service carried out at considerable risk, as the rescuers were obliged, all the way back, to support the two men in the water, their boat being so small that it was impossible to take them on board.
Voted £2 to four men for rescuing two men whose boat capsized, while they were fishing off Thorpeness, on the 5th May.
The accident happened during a squall from the S.W., when the boat was about 500 yards from shore. The occupants were father and son. Another boat, in which was another son of the capsized man, at once made for the scene and rescued the son, when he was in a state of complete exhaustion, and two partially disabled ex-Service men put off from the beach and saved the father. The promptitude of the salvors was undoubtedly the means of saving two lives.
Voted £8 to eight men for putting off from Stroma and rescuing the crew, eight in number, of the steam drifter Guide Me, of Peterhead, which stranded on the 22nd May. Also granted 10*. for fuel consumed.
The drifter ran aground on a dangerous point, on the north side of the Island, during a thick fog. As the tide runs very strongly at this point, her position was critical, and her crew were warned not to leave in the ship's boat or they would be swept away. The salvors put off in a motor boat, and after skilful manoeuvring, with considerable risk, succeeded in rescuing the men. The drifter became a total wreck and was soon swept away.
Voted £2 10*., also 10s. for petrol and oil consumed, to four men for rescuing the crew, twenty-three in number, of the s.s. Jan Van Ryswick, of Antwerp, off Holy Island, on the 21st May.
The Second Coxswain of the Life-boat was out fishing when he saw two ship's boats full of men, drifting northward. He went to their aid and took both boats in tow to Berwick-on- Tweed, where he landed the shipwrecked men.
Their steamer had struck the Knavestone Rock, Fame Islands, during a thick fog, and had sunk so rapidly that the crew had had to take to their boats at once.
Voted 10s. to a man for rendering assistance when a punt was capsized off Lytham, on the 10th June.
During moderate weather, nine visitors from Preston were going from the shore to a fishing boat, when their punt overturned, and they were thrown into the sea. The water was not very deep and all were rescued, except a small child who was strapped in a go-cart.
Directed that a Letter of Thanks be ad- dressed to Mr. W. H. Moore, Assistant Harbour Master, and voted 10*. each to three other men for putting off from Douglas and saving three persons, on the 17th May.
[ At about 10.30 a.m., during a moderate j S.W. breeze with a strong ebb-tide, a small motor boat was reported to be in difficulties.
Mr. Moore obtained a boat and crew of Life- boatmen, and on reaching the motor boat, found her adrift, without sails or oars and with her engine disabled. She was taken into Douglas Harbour together with her crew. The prompt services of the salvors rendered the launch of the Life-boat unnecessary.
Voted £9 to nine men who, in three motor | boats, put out from Littlehampton and rescued i the two occupants of the fishing lugger Bril- I tania, which was in distress on the 31st May.
Also 6s. for repairs to one of the boats con- cerned.
The fishing lugger had been caught in a i heavy S.W. gale, which carried away her sails her anchor-cable parted, she drifted i towards the shore before the storm. The first of the motor boats to reach her got a rope to the lugger, but had to cut the rope to avoid being pulled ashore. The rope then fouled her propeller, and she was almost ashore before ! the rope could be got clear. Meanwhile the other two boats succeeded in towing the Brittania into safety. This was a skilful ser- vice, carried out in a heavy gale on a lee shore. Thursday, 24th July 1924.
The Hon. GEORGE COLVILLE in the Chair.
Decided to close the Rhosneigir Life-boat i Station.
Reported the receipt of the following special ; contributions :— £ s. d.
Sir WILLIAM CORRY, Bt. . . . 100 - - Miss B. A. GRAY 100 - - WHITE STAR LINE, being a portion of the contributions made by i passengers on their steamers . 100 - - i ANONYMOUS 50 - - | The Hon. ALEXANDRINA PECK- i OVER 26 5 - Mr. JOHN WEIR 26 5 - THE BELGIAN GOVERNMENT . . 25 - - Mrs. MOYSEY 25 - - • •—To be thanked.
i Paid £29,477 5*. 2d. for sundry charges in connexion with the construction of Life-boats, Life-boat Houses and Slipways, and the main- tenance of the various Life-boat establish- ments.
Voted £49 10s. &d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat Services :— Lives Lifeboat. Vessel. rescued.
i New Quay . . Fishing smack Wini- I (Cardigan) freida, of Aberayron 2 I Ramsey . . Ketch Marie Celine, of Drogheda. Landed 3 1 Sunderland . . A small pleasure boat . 6 ' (Motor) The Humber . A small boat from ! (Motor) Haile Fort ... 3 Also voted £117 Os. 4 Z. to pay the expenses I of the following Life-boat launches, assemblies I of crews, etc., with a view to assisting persons on vessels in distress :—Appledore (Motor), Bembridge (Motor), Brighton, Caister, Fraserburgh (Motor), Hilbre Island, Padstow (Tug), and Ramsgate.
Granted £79 8«. 9d. to men for injury in the Life-boat Service at Cardigan, Sheringham, and Torquay.
Voted a compassionate grant of £5 to JOEL HTOST, who was a member of the Ramsgate Life-boat crew for many years, and is now in poor health and circumstances.
Voted a compassionate grant of £5 to the widow of JOHN EVANS, who is old and in very poor circumstances. Evans had been a member of the Moelfre Life-boat crew for forty-five years.
Reported that H.M. the King of Sweden had awarded Cups of Honour to the members of the Longhope Life-boat crew in recognition of their good services in rescuing eight of the crew of the s.s. Citos, of Helsingborg, which was in distress on the 12th September, 1923.
Also that the presentation was made by CAPTAIN DAINTREE, R.N., Inspector-General of H.M. Coast Guard, at Kirkwall. (Described in The Lifeboat for November, 1924.) Voted £1 to MB. H. WEST, who, accompanied by another man, rescued two boys, who were drifting helplessly in a small boat off Montrose, on the 12th July, 1924. Also granted Is. 6rf.
for fuel consumed.
Reported that some of the Wexford permanent Life-boat crew put off in the Coxswain's own motor-boat—the Life-boat being under overhaul—and proceeded to Fethard, on the night of the 12th July, as it had been reported that the s.s. Listnore had foundered in the vicinity. A strong S.W. wind was blowing, md the boat spent the night in an unsuccessful search, returning to Wexford at 4.30 p.m. next day. Voted £3 10s. to two men, not members of the crew, for their services, and also allowed £6 for petrol consumed.
Thursday, 18th September, 1921.
Sir GOOTEEY BAKWG, Bk., in the Chair- Reported the resignation from the Committee of Management of Sir WILLIAM COEBY, St.
Reported the receipt of the following special contributions :— £ s. d.
S.S. Co., LTD. ; Anchor Line (Henderson Bros.), Ltd.; Messrs Thos. & Jno. Brocklebank; Commonwealth and Dominion Line (special joint donation) 500 - - 3trNARD S.S. Co., LTD. (collected on their steamers);— Subscription 100 - - Donation 50 - - I. W. (donation (00 Hiss G. M. BBMSETT (dooation) 25 - - -To 6e thanked.
Paid £21,134 13s. Id. for sundry charges in Kmnexion with the construction of Life-boats, ', i 1 | I Liveri | ; ,' i ! Signalman, pensions and the 1 |' Life-boat Houses and Slipways, and the maintenance of the various Life-boat establishments.
Voted £182 5*.
the following Life- Lifeboat.
Barmouth .
Gorleston No. 2 , | Hoylake The Lizard .
(Motor) Margate No, 1 ! Newhaven (Motor) Skateraw ~d. to pay the expenses of boat Services :— Lives Vessel. rescued.
Ketch Notre Darne de Boulogne, of Treguier 4 Shrimpboat Falcon, of Yarmouth. Saved boat and rescued Yacht Dart, of Hilbre .
S.S. Bardic, of Liverpool Motor ketch No. 872, of Gravelines. Stood by vessel.
Steam trawler Cayrian, of Grimsby. Rendered assistance.
Schooner Cyril, of London. Stood by 2 2 93 Teesmouth (Motor) Wells .
S.S. Kalix, of Stockholm.
Stood by S.S. Coniscrag, of Glasgow.
Rendered assistance.
The Blakeney Life-boat assisted the s.s. ffilderthorpe, of Hull; the Clacton-on-Sea (Motor) Life-boat saved the yacht Elidor, of Burnham, and rescued her three hands ; the Lizard (Motor) Life-boat on two occasions rendered assistance to the s.s. Bardic, of Liveri pool; and the Penlee (Motor) Life-boat assisted the s.s. River Ely, of Cardiff, and landed five persons.
Also voted £274 2s. 5d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches, assemblies of crews, etc., with a view to assisting persons on vessels in distress:—Caister No. 1, Cresswell, Douglas, Fowey, Hartlepool (Motor), Hilbre Island, Holyhead No. 1, The Humber (Motor), Margate No. I, Mevagissey, Newhaven (Motor), North Deal, Padstow No. 1, Poolbeg, Poole and Bournemouth, Ramsgate, Rhoscolyn, Rhyl, St. Abbs (Motor), and Whitby (Motor).
Granted £141 14*. §d. to men for injury in the Life-boat Service at Blakeney, Moelfre, Sheringham, and Torquay.
Voted a compassionate grant of £10 for the benefit of WILLIAM SCHOFIELD, ex-Coxswain of the Clacton-on-Sea Life-boat, who is now broken in health, and practically destitute.
Reported that JAMBS HARLAND, Shore Signalman, was accidentally run over by the Life-boat carriage and killed while assisting at a Demonstration launch of the Whitby Lifeboat, on the 16th August. Granted weekly pensions to the widow and four young children, and also defrayed the funeral expenses.
Granted additional rewards to the crew of the Hoylake Life-boat for an arduous service on the night of the 17th August, when the two hands of the yacht Dart were rescued. Reported that the Superior Council of the i Italian Navy had awarded a Silver medal to j the Coxswain, and Bronze Medals to the other j members of the North Deal Life-boat crew, in j recognition of their services in rescuing the ( crew, thirty in number, of the s.s. Val Salice, of Genoa, on tie 19th November, 1916 ; also i that the presentations had been made by the Italian Naval Attache. (Described in The Lifeboat for November, 1924.) Voted the Thanks of the Institution inscribed on Vellum and a reward of £2 to ROBERT CUTTING for rescuing a man at Rye Harbour, on the 7th August. Mr. Cutting and a com- panion were out in a pleasure boat when she was capsized and sank. They both began to swim, towards the shore, but the other man, after swimming about twenty yards, collapsed.
Mr. Cutting, who was in a weak state of health, gallantly went to his help. With great difficulty and at great personal risk he eventually j succeeded in getting him ashore in an insensible ' condition, and then resuscitated him by artificial respiration.
Directed that a Special Letter of Thanks be addressed to MB. F. W. TEE, for rescuing a man and a woman, off Netley, on the 8th June.
They were sailing in Southampton Water during a strong S.W. breeze with a rough sea, when their dingey began to leak badly, and then sank, but came up again keel upwards.
After clinging to her for some time, they decided to swim for a small boat which was at anchor near them, but owing to the strong ebb, the woman failed to reach the boat and I was carried down Southampton Water. On learning of the accident, Mr. Tee at once put' off in a small boat and rescued her, but as the boat was too small to allow of her being taken ; on board, she was towed ashore clinging to the stern. Mr. Tee then made a second journey j and brought ashore the man. Mr. Tee declined to accept a monetary award voted to him by the Institution.
Voted £2 to two men for rescuing two of the three occupants of the yacht Thistle, of Ply- mouth, which foundered off Fowey, on the 17th August. Also granted 2s. for petrol used.
The weather at the time was very squally, and the sea was rough. When the yacht foundered two men at once put ofi in a motor boat and were successful in finding two of her crew.
Unfortunately the third man was lost, but had it not been for the prompt action of the saWoia, there is no doubt that the other two would have been drowned also. MR. M. Dusw, pilot, one of the salvors, gave his monetary award as a donation to the local Branch of the Institution.
two girls were out in a small boat, when a strong ebb tide and a S.W. moderate breeze swept them to the northward towards the Newcombe Ridge. Mr. Allerton, who had kept the boat under observation, put off in & motor boat accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
Tarrant, who had volunteered to help him with the motor. The occupants of the boat were quite helpless, and it was only with difficulty, owing to the swell and breaking water, that the salvors were able to get them into the motor boat, and tow their boat ashore.
Voted £1 10*. to three men for putting off in a motor boat and helping the motor boat Betty, at Tenby, on the 13th August. Also sent a Letter of Thanks to the owner of the motor boat used, and allowed 3s. for petrol used. The engine of the Hetty had broken down, and she was drifting helplessly in the fresh S.W, breeze, with a crew of two and two passengers on board.
Thursday, 16th October, 1924.
Sir GODFREY BAKING, Bt., in the Chair.
Co-opted the Hon. ESMOND HARMSWORTH a member of the Committee of Management.
Reported the receipt of the following special contributions :— £ *. r/.
Miss JULIET REC-'KITT (additional donation) 100 - - Mrs. WH.ABHIE (Centenary dona- tion to Horsham branch) . . 100 - - L. J. WOODHOUSE, Esq. (donation) 100 - - —To be thanked.
Paid £17,486 10s. Id. for sundry charges in connexion with the construction of Life-boats, Life-boat Houses and Slipways, and the main- tenance of the various Life-boat establishments.
Voted £190 15*. 2(/. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat Services :— Lives Life-boat. Vessel. rescued.
Cromer . . Auxiliary motor-boat (Motor) lona, of Middles- brough. Landed 4 from the Haisbrough Light Vessel.
Moelfre . . Schooner Mary Anne Jane, of Guernsey . 3 Palling No. 2 . Steam drifter Lubtrt, of Boulogne. Stood by vessel.
Stromness . . Steam trawler Hesso- (Motor) nite, of Hull ... 10 Totland Pay . Motor yacht Adelante, of London. Stood by vessel.
Voted £1 10«. to two men for rescuing two women at Cemaes, o» the 31st July, who were drifting out to sea in a small rowing boat, which they were unable to control owing to the strong S.W. wind and tide.
Voted £1 to Ms. H. ALLVRTOX, and directed that a Letter of Thanks be sent to Ms. and MRS. H. TARRAKT, for rescuing four persons of? Lowestoft, on the 4th August. Also granted 2s. for petrol consumed. Two young men and The Wexford (Motor) Life-boat rescued the six hands of the motor schooner Michael /felly, ; oi Liverpool, and afterwards saved the vessel.
Also voted £272 6*. Qd. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches, assemblies 1 of crews, etc., with a view to assisting persons on vessels in distress :—Aranmore, Banff and ; Macduff, Caister, Cemaes, Clacton-on-Sea I (Motor), Cromer (Motor), Holy Island No. 1, I Holyhead Nos. 1 and 2, Hoylake, Johnshaven, The Mumbles, Peterhead No. 2 (Motor), Poole and Bournemouth, Ramsgate, St. Peter Port, Sheringham, Southend-on-Sea, Stromness (Motor), Torbay (Motor), and Wells.
Granted £29 15s. to men for injury in the Life-boat Service at Aranmore, Blackpool and Redcar.
Directed that a Letter of Appreciation be addressed to Coxswain WILLIAM JOHNSTON, in recognition of the meritorious manner in which he navigated the Stromness Motor Life-boat, on the 4th October, when she rescued from shipwreck the crew, ten in number, of the steam trawler Hessonite, of Hull. The vessel was wrecked on the North Crags, Birsay, Orkneys, during a dense fog, and the Life-boat was launched to go to her aid at 4.30 A.M. So dense was the fog that the only guide that the Coxswain had to steer by was the broken water on the rocks and crags along the coast.
Under these very difficult conditions he safely brought the Life-boat to the wreck, a distance of twenty miles. Through the local Press the rescued men expressed their thanks to the Life-boatmen for their services.
Voted £5 5s. to Coxswain THOMAS STORM and six other Life-boatmen for rescuing the five occupants of a small pleasure boat, which was in distress off Robin Hood's Bay on the nth September. Four visitors and a boatman had gone out fishing, but were overtaken by a W.S.W. gale when about two miles N.E. of Robin Hood's Bay. In attempting to pull back they lost two oars, and then hoisted a distress signal. Some risk was incurred by the salvors who went out in a fishing coble.
Voted £2 53. to Coxswain CHABLES CONWAY and two other men for rescuing two boys whose canoe capsized in rough water off Hurst Castle, near Totland Bay, on the 12th Sep- tember. The accident was seen through a glass, and the men quickly put off, and with some difficulty rescued the boys, one of whom was much exhausted.
Tuesday, 18th November, 1924.
The Hon. GEORGE COLVILLE in the Chair.
Co-opted Captain T. P. H. BEAMISH, C.B., R.N., M.P., a member of the Committee of Reported the resignation of the Duchess of Norfolk from the Presidency of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.
contributions :— £ s. d.
"P. P. B.," In Memoriam (dona- tion) 200 - - Executors of the late Mrs. S. A. BESCOBY (donation). . . . 100 - - Mrs. BrmKEtL (for the " Agnes Cross" Life-boat at Lowestoft) 100 - - WHITE STAH LINK (being a por- tion of the collection from pas- sengers for charitable purposes on their steamers) .... 100 - - Mr. F. D. G. OSBORNE (gift from Estate of the late Miss G. G.
OSBORNE) 80 - - "E.R." 28 - - —To be thanked.
! Paid £22,937 19s. 3d. for sundry charges in | connexion with the construction of Life-boats, Life-boat Houses and Slipways, and the main- tenance of the various Life-boat establish- ments.
Voted £165 10s.
the following Life LUe-boat.
Cromer No. 1 .
(Motor) Eastbourne .
(Motor) Flamborough No. 1.
Gorleston No. 2.
9d. to pay the expenses of boat Services:— Lives Vessel. rescued.
S.S. Clansman, of Lowestoft ... 9 EX-M.L. 87 ... 3 Steam trawler Joule, of Hull. Stood by vessel.
Margate No. 1 .
Margate No. 1 .
Port Patrick ; (Motor) I St. Anne's .
Steam drifter Har- vester, of Berwick.
Stood by vessel.
Barge Lord Nelson, of London .... 3 Barge Guernsey, of London .... 5 Fishing boat Peggy Morgan, of Port Pat- rick. Saved boat and rescued ... 2 S.S. Royal Regis, of London. Stood by The Humber (Motor) S.S. Harlech, of Lon- don. Landed 14.
The Margate No. 1 Life-boat saved the barge Challenge, of Weymouth, and rescued from shipwreck her crew of three.
Also voted £204 3s. 9 J to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches, assemblies of crews, etc., with a view to assisting persons on vessels in distress:—Barry Dock (Motor), Caister, Cromer (Motor), Dunbar, Dungeness No. 2, Gorleston No. 2, Lytham, Margate No. 1, Peterhead No. 2 (Motor), Pwllheli, Skegness, The Humber (Motor), and Weymouth (Motor).
Granted £24 13s. to men for injury in the Life-boat Service at Blackpool, Cardigan, Peterhead, and Winterton.
Voted a further sum of £100 for the benefit of the men of the Ramsgate Life-boat, who took part in the rescue of the Indian Chief in 1881. boat crew, and is now disabled by the loss of his eyesight.
I Voted a compassionate grant of £5 to JOHN DAWLTON, Winchman, and at one time a mem- ber of the crew of the Poolbeg Life-boat, who has a wife and three children and is now com- pelled to go to South Africa on account of his ill-health.
Awarded the Thanks of the Institution inscribed on Vellum, and the sum of £3 each to Messrs. JOHN DEARNESS, OLIVEK SCOTT, and JAMES SIATEB, in recognition of their gallant conduct in going out in a 17-ft. boat, and at great personal risk rescuing the three hands of a sailing boat which had capsized in a heavy squall and a, rough sea, off Sanday, Orkneys, on the 24th June, 1924. (This service is described on page 12.) Awarded the Thanks of the Institution inscribed on Vellum, and the sum of £3 each, to Messrs. MICHAEL BOWLER, DANIEL KANE, and JAMES KANE, in recognition of their gallant conduct in going out in a 26-ft. canvas canoe, and at great personal risk rescuing one of the three occupants of a fishing canoe, which was swamped during a moderate nor- therly gale with a rough sea off Smerwick, Co. Kerry, on the night of 24th September, 1924.
(This service is described on page 12.) Voted £2 to two men, father and son, for rescuing one of the two occupants of a shrimp boat which capsized off Lowestoft, on the 22nd j September, 1924, The boat was capsized by an exceptionally violent squall, the two men being thrown into the water. One succeeded in obtaining a hold on the boat, but the other, his grandson, was swept away by the heavy sea and drowned. The salvors, who were also shrimping near at hand, saw the accident, and rescued the man clinging to the boat, but it was only done with considerable difficulty, as the rescuers' boat had to be taken over the sunken boat.
Thursday, 27th November, 1924.
The Hon. GEORGE COLVILLE in the Chair.
Resolved that Major C. R. SATTERTTVWAITE, O.B.E., R.E., be appointed Deputy Secretary of the Institution, in succession to the Jate Mr. Rowland Berkeley.