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Princesse Clementine

On the same day a gallant rescue wasperformed on the Yorkshire coast.

week before, the Belgian steamer cesse Clementine had gone ashore off Staithes. Her crew of nineteen were rescued by the Runswick Life-boat, but her Captain had remained on board.

On the 27th November he signalled for help. A gale was blowing with a very heavy sea which was sweeping right over the wreck. The Life-boat was launched with great difficulty, some of the launchers going into the sea up to their necks.

When she reached the Princesse Clementine she was several times nearly swept on to the deck of the wreck, but she succeeded in getting alongside. A rope was thrown to the Captain, who, with great difficulty, made Ms way aft and jumped into the Life-boat. In thanking the Crew for their gallantry he said that he would never have jumped, if it had not been that he knew he was risking other lives besides his own. On her way back the Life-boat was completely buried by a tremendous wave.

For this gallant and difficult service the Institution awarded Bronze Medals to Coxswain Tose and Second Coxswain Patton, and extra monetary awards to the rest of the Crew and the helpers.

The Institution has now received from the owners of the steamer, the Belgian Steam Navigation Company of Antwerp, a donation of £30 and a letter, in which the Company say " We cannot express the gratitude •which, we feel for the inestimable service which your honourable Institution has rendered the Ciew and Captain of our steamer.".