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Major Arthur Thomas Fisher, Honorary Secretary of the Salisbury Branch

Major Arthur Thomas Fisher, .Honorary Secretary of the Salisbury Branch.

WE regret to announce the death of Major A. T. Fisher, who founded the Salisbury Branch in 1910, and had been its Honorary Secretary ever since.

Major Fisher was in his 82nd year.

He was born in 1843, educated at Har- row, passed for the Army, served in India, and since he retired in 1883 lived in Hampshire, where, through a long and active life, he devoted himself to public work and sport. He contributed to many magazines, and was the author of tour books on sporting subjects. The Secretaryship of the Salisbury Branch was only one of a number of honorary public posts which he held ; and the value of his work for the Institution may be judged from the fact that the contri- butions of the Branch in its first year amounted to £73, and in 1924 to £388.

A short account of Major Fisher's career and his work for the Life-boat Service appeared in The Lifeboat for June, 1923, and last November, as announced elsewhere in this issue, he was elected an Honorary Life Governor of the Institution, the highest honour which the Institution can confer on its honorary workers, and one reserved for those who have given it both long and dis- tinguished service..