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Awards to Honorary Workers

Election of Eight Honorary Life-Governors.

THE following have been elected Honorary Life-Governors of the Institu- tion in recognition of their long and distinguished services, and have been presented with a copy of the Vote inscribed on Vellum and' signed by H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, the Pre- sident :—• LADY ANN, J.P., President of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, Derby.

Mrs, ASTLEY ROBERTS, President of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, Eastbourne.

Miss MOSER, Honorary Secretary and Treasurer of the Shrewsbury Branch.

SIR CHARLES MACARA, Bt., J.P., Chairman, St.

Anne's-on-the-Sea Branch of the Institution, and Founder of the Life-boat Saturday Fund, which was taken over by the Institu- tion in 1910.

Mr. J. A. GARDINER, Honorary Secretary, Life- boat Stations at Campbeltown, Machrihanish and Southend, in Argyllshire.

Mr. G. L. THOMSON, Honorary Secretary, Life- boat Station at Stromness.

Mr. W. J. OLIVER, Honorary Secretary, Life- boat Station at Sunderland.

Major A. T. FISHER, Honorary Secretary, Salisbury.

The following awards have also been made:— To Mr. T. D. ROBERTS, upon his retirement, on the closing of the Point of Ayr Branch, after 6 years' service as Honorary Secretary, a Framed Photograph of the Life-boat going out to a vessel in distress.

To Mr. H. J. RAMSBOTHAM, upon his retirement, after 12 years as Honorary Secretary of the Lyme Regis Branch, the Thanks of the Insti- tution inscribed on Vellum.