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The Steamers Tuscarora and Torvald

ON 3rd October, 1923, in a whole N.N.W. gale with a terrific sea, the trawlers of Brixham, were in danger in the harbour from a steamer, the Tuscarora, of Sunderland, which had come into collision with another steamer, the Torvald, of Sweden, and was drifting on to them. The Torbay Motor Life-boat went out at mid-day to their help, landed men from a number of them, put pilots on both steamers, and finally went to the help of a ketch, some way out, which was believed to be in distreils. It was not until 6.30 that her crew were able to return for food and dry clothing, and they then stood by until eleven at night in case they should again be required. Coxswain W. G.

Sanders was awarded the Thanks of the Institution inscribed on Vellum, and he.