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The National Service for Seafarers

THE National Service for Seafarers, which is held each autumn, in St.

Paul's Cathedral, took place on 15th October.

At this Service the Institution is, of course, always represented, but this being the Centenary Year, the Institution was represented in a very special way. The Chairman, the Deputy-Chairman and eleven members of the Committee of Management, the Secretary and members of the Institution's staff, all attended to give thanks for the completion of a century of work, and the Life-boat crews were represented, by the Cox- swain or Second Coxswain, and a member of the crew of five of the Stations which are nearest London— Southend, Margate, Ramsgate, Deal, Folkestone and Worthing.

Among them were two Silver Medal- lists : Coxswain Read, of Ramsgate; and Coxswain Clayson, of Margate.

The Life-boats of these five Stations have rescued from shipwreck nearly 3,000 lives..