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The Centenary: In the South-East of England


Hitchin held a Centenary Meeting, which was addressed by Major Sir | Maurice Cameron, K.C.M.G., a member of the Committee of Management.

Bedford held a successful Century Life-boat Day in October.

At Luton, Lady Helen Cassel gave a Garden Party, at which Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., Chairman of the Committee of Management, spoke.


Century Life-boat Days were held at Gerrard's Cross, and at Slough, Windsor and Eton, where a record sum was raised.CAMBRIDGESHIRE. j HERTFORDSHIRE.

Century Life-boat Days were held at A Century Life-boat Day was held at Ely and Wisbech.



Brightlingsea organized a most suc- cessful Carnival on 2nd August, in which very diverse characters took part, from " Grace Darling" to a company of pirates, but all were united on this occasion in helping only the Life-boat cause. The Carnival was followed by a Dance. Previous to this, on 2nd March, a Thanksgiving Service was held at the Wesleyan Church. Altogether Bright- lingsea, where a Branch of the Institu- tion was formed only this year, raised £121-—-a magnificent sum for so small a place, and equivalent to over 6d. a head of the population.


Clacton-on-Sea held an open-air Thanksgiving Service on 17th August, on the Greensward, Marine Parade, which was conducted from the Boarding-boat by the Rev. C. R. S. Finch, the Vicar of St. James's Church. The address was delivered by the Rev. W. H. Roseveare, of St. Catherine's, Mitcham, S.E. Be- fore the Service there was a procession from the Life-boat House. A Century Life-boat Day was also held on 2nd August.


Colchester held a Centenary Meeting, at which the Mayor (Mrs. C. B. Alderton) presided, and Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., Chairman of the Committee of Manage- ment, delivered an address.

Other Celebrations.

Walton-on-the-Naze held a Life-boat- men's Procession on 16th August, and raised by it over £230. The procession also visited Frinton, which made an appeal on the same day.

Chelmsford, Southend-on-Sea, Leigh- on-Sea, and Rochford and district (in- cluding Hadleigh, Shoeburyness, Hawks- well, Ashingdon, and Canvey Island) held Century Life-boat Days.



A Century Life-boat Day was held at St. Ives.



Canterbury held a Centenary Meeting in May, at which the Mayor presided, and Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., Chairman of the Committee of Management of the Institution, delivered an address. This was followed in June by a Century Life- boat Day.


Folkestone held its Life-boat Day on 16th August, in connexion with a Festival of the Sea which was taking place during the same week at Calais.

At this festival a number of Kentish Life-boatmen were among the English representatives. They returned from Calais on the 16th, and with them came some hundreds of the French and Belgian visitors to the festival, who were given a civic reception on arriving at Folkestone. In the morning the Life- boat was launched, and in the afternoon there was a procession through the town, in which Kentish, French and Belgian Life-boatmen took part. A record sum was raised.


Margate held a Centenary Meeting in March, at which the Mayor presided, and Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., delivered an address.

This was followed by a Century Life- boat Day in August.

Other Celebrations.

Cranbrook and Hawkhurst, Deal and Walmer, Dover, Gravesend, Lydd, Pens- hurst, Ramsgate, Rochester, Sevenoaks, Sittingbourne and Milton Regis, Ton- bridge, Tunbridge Wells, Westgate and Whitstable all held Century Life-boat Days.NORFOLK.


A Century Life-boat Day was held at Cromer on 21st August. Both the Life- boats of the Station were launched, the new Motor Life-boat, H. F. Bailey, and the Pulling and Sailing Life-boat, Louisa Heartwdl, and a record sum was raised.

Other Celebrations.

Century Lif e-boat Days were held at Brancaster, Diss, Great Yarmouth,King's Lynn, Hunstanton, Norwich, Palling, Sheringham and Wells.


Century Life-boat Days were held at Aldeburgh, Bury St. Edmunds, Felix- stowe, Lowestoft, Southwold and Sudbury.


A number of places on the Thames were visited by the Teesmouth Life-boatas described elsewhere, and Century Life-boat Days were held at Farnham, Guildford—where a record sum was raised—Haslemere, Redhill, Reigate, Walton-on-Thames, and Weybridge and Oatlands Park.



Eastbourne celebrated the Centenary with a Ball, a Meeting, a Thanksgiving Service, and a Century Life-boat DayCentenary Ball.

The Ball was the first function, and was held on 4th March, at Devonshire Park. It was organized by Mrs. Astley Roberts, the President of the Eastbourne Ladies' Life-boat Guild, and Mrs. Edgar Allan Brown, and was a great success.

One of its most attractive features was the dancing of the quadrille by ladies and gentlemen in the costumes of 1824.Centenary Meeting.

The Centenary Meeting was held in the Town Hall on the afternoon ofj 18th March, and the Mayor and Corpora- tion attended it in state. The Mayor presided, and paid a tribute to the splendid work of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild in Eastbourne. Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., Chairman of the Committee of Management of the Institution, de- livered an address, in the course of which i he said that women not only gave the Institution invaluable help in raisingmoney, but did magnificent and cour- ageous work as launchers on the coast.

In the morning there was a launch of the Motor Life-boat.

Thanksgiving Service.

The Thanksgiving Service was held in the grounds of Devonshire Park on Sun- day, 13th July, and nearly 3,000 people were present. The service was con- ducted by Canon Streatfeild, R.D., Vicar of Eastbourne, supported by ministers of other denominations. The singing was led by a choir of several hundred voices, and the orchestra was composed of players from the Municipal Orchestra, the Devonshire Park Theatre, and the Hippodrome. The Deputy Mayor and members of the Eastbourne Council were among the congregation.

Outside the grounds was stationed the Eastbourne Pulling and Sailing Life- boat.

Century Life-boat Day.

A Century Life-boat Day was held on 2nd August, and raised nearly £500.


Hastings held a Centenary Meeting on 28th March, at which the Mayorj presided, and Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., Chairman of the Committee of Manage- ment, delivered an address. » A Century Life-boat Day was also held.


Worthing had a special ceremonial launch of the Life-boat on 2nd August, preceded by a procession through the town, in which three bands and detach- ments of Territorials took part. Many hundreds of visitors on the front watched the launch, and as the Boat took the water the troopa presented arms, and the National Anthem was played.Other Celebrations.

Arundel, Bexhill—where a record sum was raised—Brighton and Hove, Bognor, Chichester, East Grinstead, Horsham, Lewes, Littlehampton, Newhaven, Rye, Seaford, Selsey and Shoreham.

Altogether, Century Life-boat Days in the south-east of England raised a record sum..