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The Belfast Centenary Meeting

Front row, left to right:—The Marquess of Londonderry, K.G., Captain the Viscount .Curzon, R.N.V.R., M.P., the Lord Mayor (Sir William Turner) the Governor (the Duke of Abercprn) Councillor H.M Launn (High Sheriff), the Marquess of Dufferin and Ava. the Right Hon. Hugh O'Neill (Speaker). Back row, Mr. W. E.

Williams, D.L., Sir Frederick Moneypenny, C.V.O., Sir Crawford M Cullagh, the Rt. Hon. E. M. Archdale.

(Minister of Agriculture), the Rijht Hon Thomas Moles, M.P., Mr. H. L. Garrett, Mr. H. G. Solomon, F.C.I.S. (Organizing Secretary), Sir William Coates, Bart.. D.L.. Colonel J. K. M Clmtock. Commander Oscar Henderson, D.S.O., R.N..

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