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Silver Medal for a Shore-Boat Case

ON 30th May, at Whitby, five boys, from eight to seventeen years of age, were coming into the harbour, just before seven in the evening, in a small pleasure boat. There was a light breeze blowing and the sea was smooth, but there was a swell on the Bar. As she was crossing the Bar the boat put her nose under, began to fill, and then turned over, all the boys being thrown into the water from 10 to 15 yards from the end of the Old West Pier End. John William Storry, a fisherman, and three other men •were on the pier at the time. Mr. Storry at once climbed down the pier side and, from 20 feet above the water, jumped in, fully dressed. Two of the boys were able to swim, and safely reached the pier-side, where they held on to life-buoys fastened to ropes which the three men had thrown to them. Mr. Storry meanwhile struck out for the other three who were struggling in the water, being unable to hold on to the upturned boat as it had no keel. He got one boy in his arms, and swam back with him to the pier, where he left him clinging to a ledge.

He then swam out to the second boy brought him in, and swam out for the third time to the last boy, the youngest, who by this time was nearly dro ned.

He brought him also safely to the pier, and then got hold of a line which had been lowered to him. Twisting this round his arm he held up the three boys, who, but for his help would have been swept off by the waves, until help should come. The men on the pier meanwhile had signalled to a fishing coble which was -working off the West Beach, and a quarter of an hour later it crossed the Bar and reached the pier. Mr. Storry and the boys were taken on board and brought to shore. Mr. Storry was not only exhausted, but he had sprained the muscles of the arm which had held on to the rope. He had carried out the rescue at great risk to himself, and but for his prompt heroism there is no doubt that the three boys would have been drowned.

In recognition of this very gallant rescue the Institution has awarded him its Silver Medal..