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Mr. Rowland Berkeley, Deputy Secretary of the Institution

Mr. Rowland Berkeley.

WE deeply regret to announce the sudden death on 14th October, after an operation, of Mr. Rowland Berkeley, who was appointed Deputy Secretary of the Institution at the beginning of 1923. Mr. Berkeley, who was 57 years of age, was a barrister-at-law, was called to the Bar by Lincoln's Inn in 1892, and before the War practised at During the Secretary of Princess Mary's Fund, and a leading member of the Central Prisoners of War Committee which carried on the despatch three times a fortnight, of foodparcels to all British prisoners of war.

Later in the War he joined the firm of Messrs. Morgan, Grenfell & Co., in their work of obtaining supplies from the United States, and after the Armistice was appointed Director of Imports at the Food Ministry, but almost immediately his health broke down, and he was compelled to give up this work.

Mr. Berkeley was the Hon. Treasurer of Queen Mary's Maternity Home at Hampstead, and Chairman of the HouseCommittee of the Garrick Club, of which he was a prominent member.

At the memorial service which was held at St. Martin's-in-the-Field, the Queen was represented by her Treasurer, Sir Edward Wallington, and the Institution by Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt.

(Chairman of the Committee of Management), the Hon. George Colville (Deputy Chairman), several members of the Committee, and Mr. George F. Shee, M.A. (Secretary). Among others who were present were Mr. Berkeley's cousin, the Earl of Berkeley, and Lord Buckmaster, Sir Squire Bancroft, Sir Gerald du Maurier, Sir Anthony Hope Hawkins, Sir Arthur Ainley, all Club.

Pinero and representing Mr. Henry the Garrick.