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Entertainment of Gold Medallists and Crews

APART from the inspection of the Life-boats on the Thames and the visit to Fulham, everything was done by the Institution, with much generous help from others, to give the British and foreign Life-boatmen a good time while they were in London. On the first night, the seven Gold Medallists attended the performance at the Coliseum, where they were the guests of the management.

They sat in the Royal Box, and during the interval were given refreshments in the Royal Ante-room. A notice was also thrown on the screen, telling the audience who they were, and asking it to welcome them, which the audience did by loudly cheering them. In enter- taining the Gold Medallists in this way the Coliseum was following its very pleasant and generous practice each year of inviting to a performance those Lifeboatmen who come up to the Annual Meeting to receive their decora- tions.

On the following day the Gold Medallists and the crews of the British and foreign Life-boats were taken in the morning to the Houses of Parliament, and were shown over them by Captain the Viscount Curzon, C.B.E., R.N.V.R., M.P.

(a member of the Committee of Manage- ment).

From Westminster, the whole party, of nearly forty, was taken in a 'bus to the British Empire Exhibition, where they spent the rest of the day, Messrs. Lyons entertaining them at both lunch and tea.

On the following evening the Gold Medallists were the guests of the Institution at the Life-boat Centenary Dinner, and the crews of the British and foreign Life-boats went "to the Hippo- drome as the guests of the management.

We take this opportunity of express- ing the sincere thanks of the Committee of Management to Sir Oswald Stoll, Managing Director of the Coliseum Syndicate, and Mr. Arthur Croxton, Manager of the Coliseum; Major Isidore Salmon, C.B.E., M.P., Chairman of Messrs. Lyons; and Mr. R. H. Gillespie, Managing Director of Messrs. Moss Empires; and Mr. Frank Beer, Manager of the Hippodrome, for the generous help thus given..