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Awards to Honorary Workers

To Mr. H. S. COLE, upon his retirement after 10J years' service as Honorary Secretary of the Rhosneigir Branch, the Thanks of the Institution inscribed on Vellum.

To Mr. B. H. JONES, upon his retirement after 18 years' service as Honorary Secretary of the Llanddulas Branch, the Thanks of the Institution inscribed on Vellum.

To Dr. W. ROY JACKSON, upon his retirement after 13 years' service as Honorary Secretary of the Port Isaac Branch, the Thanks of the Institution inscribed on Vellum.

Gold Pendants or Brooches and Records of Thanks have been awarded to the following, in recognition of their valuable co-operation :— LADY MARTIN, of Glasgow ; Mrs. HEAZELL, of Nottingham; Major A. W. WHEWELL, of Dublin; Mr. A. E. SHAKESBY, of London.

The following awards were made for valuable co-operation in connexion with the Manchester Centenary Bazaar :— To Sir WM. MILLIGAN—a Gold Pendant and Record of Thanks. To LADY MILUGAN—a Gold Brooch and Record of Thanks.

To Mrs. H. J. WILSON—a Gold Brooch and Record of Thanks.

To Mrs. ALBERT BETHELL—an Aneroid Barometer.

To Mrs. E. PASSES—aa Aneroid Barometer, To Mrs. Lisa—a Framed Photograph.

To Mrs. BRONMBE—a Framed Photograph.

To Mrs. I/Torus—-a Framed Photograph.

Framed photographs of the Life-boat going out to a vessel in distress have been presented to the following in recognition of their valuable co-operation:— Mrs. HABT, of Hornsea; Mrs. WALLGATE, of Hornsea; Mrs. THOMSON, of New Brighton; Mrs. JACKSON, of Port Isaac; Miss GBEEN- HAM, of New Brighton; Mr. H. FOSTER, of Filey ; Mr. J. THOMAS, of Penlee; Mr. C. E. FIELDING, of Manchester.