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A Launching Accident

ON August 16th, a Centenary Demon- stration was to be held at Whitby, the Motor Life-boat and one of the Pulling and Sailing Life-boats to be launched, and an exhibition of Life-boat models to be held in the Life-boat House, but it was brought to a sudden and early close by an accident which caused the death of the Shore Signalman of the Station, James Harland. Harland was with the No. 2 Life-boat, when she was being taken down the shore to be launched. He slipped and fell beneath the carriage, and before it could be stopped a wheel had passed over him. He died shortly after- wards. At the inquest, a verdict of accidental death was returned. Har- land has left a widow and four children, one only three months old. A fund was immediately opened and has raised nearly £400, and Mrs. Harland has been granted a pension by the Institution, of 22s. 6d. a week, on the same scale as if she were the widow of a Bowman, with extra allowances for each of her four children, of whom the oldest is eleven and the youngest was born this year.

These allowances will be continued until the two boys are fourteen and the two girls sixteen..