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A Grateful German Skipper

IN The Lifeboat for March, 1923, appeared an account of the wreck of the Adolf Vinnen, a German five-masted sailing ship, which ran ashore near The Lizard on 9th February of that year, and of thegallant attemptstojcescue her crew made by the Life-boat at The Lizard, which persevered, at imminent risk of being flung on the deck of the wreck and smashed to pieces, until the Life-Saving Apparatus got to work from the shore.

The Westminster Gazette's FalmouthCorrespondent records that " the captain, named Miiller, has now been given command of a sister ship to the Adolf Vinnen, and has since frequently passed the scene of his earlier disaster. On such he brings his ship as close occasons inshore as possible, and dips his flag in appreciation of the warm-hearted hospitality and kindliness of the Cornish folk to men who were their enemies a short time before.".