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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee of Management

Thursday, 15th November, 1923.

Sir GODFREY BARING, Bt., in the Chair.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions :—• £ a. d.

ANONYMOUS 50 - - MK. FREDERICK MILBURN, to- wards cost of Motor Life-boat for Holy Island 5,000 - - —To be thanked.

Paid £13,128 7*. Id. for sundry charges in connexion with the construction of Life-boats, Life-boat Houses and Slipways, and the main- tenance of the various Life-boat establish- ments.

Voted £488 the following Life-boat.

Beaumaris .

(Motor) 17«. Id. to pay the expenses of Life-boat services:— Lives Vessel. rescued.

. Schooner Baltic, of Liverpool. Landed 2.

Schooner Mary Ann, of Faversham. Landed 5.

Bembridge (Motor) Brixham (Motor) Schooner Baltic, of Liverpool. Landed 4 . S.S. Dalton, of New- castle. Stood by vessel.

. Trawler Osprey, of Brixham. Landed 2.

Trawler Es-pero, of Brixham. Landed 2.

S.S. Torvald, of Lands- krona, S.S. Tus- carora, of Sunder- land, and several trawlers of Brixham.

Rendered assist- Llandudno auce.

Rowing boat Alice, of Lowestoft (Motor) New Brighton .

No. 2 (Steam) Newburgh .

Penlee (Motor) .

Sennen Cove (Motor) Skateraw Swanage Llandudno .

Fishing boat Jean II., 28 of Boulogne .

Motor vessel Oarthavon, of Bristol. Stood by Steam trawler Imperial Prince, of Aberdeen .

S.S. City of Westmin- ster, of Liverpool S.S. City of Westmin- ster, of Liverpool .

Motor vessel Bona- venlure, of Leith.

Stood by vessel.

Barge Cetus, of Lon- don, and barge Car- son, of Yarmouth.

Stood by vessels.

Wexford (Motor) Fishing boat St. Quin- tin, of Wexford.

Assisted to save ves- sel and rescued .

Lives Life-boat. Vessel. rescued.

Wexford . . Schooner Pearl, of (Boarding Wexford. Assisted Boat) to save vessel and rescued .... 3 The Penlee (Motor) Life-boat stood by and assisted the S.S. Nicolas Norbert, of Boulogne.

Also voted £382 16s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches, assemblies of crews, etc., with a view to assisting persons on vessels in distress:—Buckle (Motor), Bull Bay, Caister No. 1, Eyemouth, Filey, Folke- stone, Gorleston No. 1, Holy head No. 1 Steam), Hoylake, The Lizard (Motor), Mine- icad, Peterhead No. 2 (Motor), Plymouth, Porthleven, Ramsgate, St. Mary's (Motor), Selsey (Motor), Spurn (Motor), Swanage, Tyne- mouth (Motor), Wexford (Motor), Whitby Motor), and Weymouth.

Granted £16 13«. 6d. to men for injury in the Life-boat Service at Cardigan and Padstow.

Voted a compassionate grant of £5 to Joss STOREY, who for over forty years had been connected with the Newbiggin Life-boat, and is now in very poor circumstances.

Decided that in recognition of the gallant services of the crew of the Newburgh Life-boat and naval ratings from H.M.S. Vampire and H.M.S. Vendetta, in rescuing from shipwreck seven of the nine men of the steam trawler Imperial Prince, of Aberdeen, which was wrecked off Belhelvie, near Aberdeen, during a full S. gale with a heavy sea, on the 19th October, the following awards be granted:— The Silver Medal of the Institution to Cox- swain JOHN INNES and Petty Officer C. A. W. ESSAM, of H.M.S. Vampire, and the Bronze Medal of the Institution to Bowman JAMES INNES, the Medals to be accompanied by a copy of the Vote inscribed on Vellum and framed; the Thanks of the Institution inscribed on Vellum and framed to Leading Seaman R. LEONARD, Able Seamen E. SWEET, W. A. HORDEN, S. yotnra, A. GILLAM, J. LOCKE, H. HOWBLL, of H.M.S. Vampire, and to Leading Seaman H. COTTBTNAGE, Able Seamen J. KEEFE, G. HOWARD, C. WHEELEK, of H.M.S. Vendetta; Letters of Thanks to Newburgh Branch, Officer Commanding H.M.S.

Vampire, Comr. WAY, R.N., Inspector of Coast Guard, Mr. MORRISON, District Officer of Coast Guard, Capt. LUMSDEN 0* BALMEDIE, Lord of the Manor, Mr. HENDERSON, Honorary Secretary Peterhead Branch, Mr. RITCHIE, Chairman of Local Committee, The Women of Newburgh, Mrs. CHRISTIE, Mr. BLTCHAN, and Master CHARLES BUCHAN ; and monetary rewards to the men who manned the Life- boat, the launchers, etc.

(A full account of the service appeared in The Lifeboat for November, 1923.) Awarded the Thanks of the Institution inscribed on Vellum and framed to W. G. SANDERS, Coxswain of the Brixham Motor Life-boat, and an additional monetary reward to him and to each of the crew and helpers in recognition of a meritorious service on the 3rd October, when the Life-boat landed two persons from each of the trawlers Osprey, and JSspero, and rendered assistance to the s.s. Torvald, of Landskrona, the s.s. Tuscarora, and several trawlers which were in distress, during a whole N.N.W. gale, with a very heavy sea.

Granted additional rewards to the crews of the Eyemouth, Penlee, and Sennen Cove Life- boats for arduous services on the 30th August and 8th October.

Voted £1 10s. to four men for rescuing the twelve hands of the steam trawler Alexandrite, of Hull, who had taken to their boat when the vessel stranded near Filey, during a thick fqg, on the 12th October, 1923. Also granted 2s. 6d. for fuel consumed.

Voted £2 to the crew of the steam drifter Pioneer, of Penzance, for rescuing twenty-five of the crew of the s.s. City of Westminster, of Liverpool, which was wrecked on the Runnel- stone, during a thick fog on the 8th October.

The Pioneer advised the Captain of the City of Westminster that all on board should be transferred to the ship's boats, and towed two of the boats to Penzance, the remainder of the crew being rescued by the Penlee and Sennen Cove Life-boats. Considerable risk was incurred owing to the fog and the position of the steamer on the rocks.

Voted £3 to five men for rescuing the three occupants of a small boat, at Newbiggin, on the 14th October. Also granted Ss. for petrol used. A whole W.S.W. gale was blowing and the boat was drifting out to sea. Manned by five members of the Life-boat crew a Motor- boat put off to render help, and found the small boat half-full of water with her crew exhausted.

Voted £1 to two men for rescuing a young man, at Llandudno, on the 29th October.

They were fishing outside the Pier Head when a moderate S. gale sprang up, and seeing a small boat flying a distress signal they went to her help and found her sole occupant exhausted. They took him into their boat which had a hard pull against wind and tide to get ashore.

Sent a Letter of Thanks to Capt. A. B. TURNER for assisting the two occupants of a boat which capsized off Largs, on the 4th October.

Thursday, 20th December, 1923.

Sir GODFREY BASING, Bt., in the Chair.

Elected the VISCOUNT BURNHAM, C.H., T.D., a Vice-President of the Institution.

Approved the constitution of the London Women's Committee and appointed original members.

Decided to close the Tramore Life-boat Station.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions :— £ s. d.

H.R.H. THE PRINCESS LOUISE, DUCHESS OF ARGYLL (donation) 100 - - THE LATE MR. LAWRENCE FORBES, Gift from Estate of. ... 500 - - ANONYMOUS (additional dona- tion) 50 - - —To be thanked.

Paid £21,982 Is. lOd. for sundry charges in connexion with the construction of Life-boats, Life-boat Houses and Slipways, and the main- tenance of the various Life-boat establish- ments.

Voted £467 3s. 2d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services :— Lives Life-beat. Vesael. rescued.

Arbroath . . Arbroath fishing fleet.

Stood by fishing fleet.

Ardrossan . . S.S. Leon Pancaldo, of Savona. Rendered assistance.

Bridlington . . Eight fishing vessels of Bridlington. Es- corted vessels into harbour.

Motor fishing boat John Bruce, of Grimsby. Escorted boat into harbour .

Clovelly . . . Fishing coble Gordon, of Clovelly ... 2 Schooner Hanna Jan- sen, of Hamburg, Landed 8.

Donaghadee. . S.S. Castleisland, of (Motor) Belfast .... 9 Gorleston No. 2. S.S. Watchful, of Aber- deen. Stood by vessel.

Lytham . . . Barque Drott, of Halm- stad 8 Montrose No. 1. Nine fishing yawls of Montrose, and three steam drifters. Stood by vessels.

The Mumbles . Schooner Raven, of Binic 5 New Brighton S.S. Ibis, of Liverpool. 7 No. 2 (Steam). Tug Spurn, of Liver- pool 5 Newbiggin . . Four fishing cobles of Newbiggin. Stood by cobles.

Seven fishing cololes oi Newbiggin. Ren- dered assistance.

Newhaven . . Steam trawler Jean (Motor) Dire, of Boulogne . 17 North Sunder- Fishing coble Sea land. Queen, of Beadnell. 4 Scarborough. . Eleven fishing cobles of Scarborough. Es- corted cobles into harbour.

Motor fishing boat Fe- licity, of Scar- borough. Escorted boat into harbour.

Lives Life-boats. Vessel. rescued.

Scarborough . Four fishing cobles of Scarborough. Stood by cobles.

St. Anne's . . Fishing boat Irene, of Preston .... 1 Wexford (Motor) Schooner Elite Park, of Barrow ... 4 Whitby (Motor). Motor fishing boat Miz- pah, of Whitby. Es- corted boat into har- bour.

Whitby No. 2 . Five motor fishing boats of Whitby.

Escorted boats into harbour.

The Aldeburgh No. 2 Life-boat saved the whaler Chr. (Jrastberg, of Sandefjord, and rescued her crew of five; the Cresswell Life- boat assisted to save the steam trawler Glen- star, of North Shields ; the Holyhead No. 1 (Steam) Life-boat saved the schooner Whit- riggs, of Chester, and rescued her two hands; the North Deal Life-boat assisted to save the s.s. Nicolas Pattras, of Greece, and rescued 22 ; and the Winterton No. 1 Life-boat assisted to save the steam drifter Mishe Nahma, of Yar- mouth, and rescued her crew, ten in number.

Also voted £535 17*. lid. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches, assemblies of crews, etc., with a view to assisting persons on vessels in distress:—Aldeburgh No. 1, Bridlington, Caister No. 1, Cromer (Motor), Douglas, Dunbar, Dungeness No. 2, Gorleston No. 1, Hoylake, Lowestoft (Motor), New Brighton No. 2 (Steam), North Deal, Palling No. 2, Ramsgate, Selsey (Motor), Skegness, Southwold, and Whitby (Motor).

Granted the sum of £250, including funeral expenses, to a Fund raised for the benefit of the widow and five children of W. J. LIVERSAGE, Assistant Secretary to the New Brighton Branch, whose death was accelerated by ex- posure when on duty in connexion with a Life- boat service on 17th November, 1923.

Granted £58 16s. to men for injury in the Life-boat service at Arbroath, Bridlington, The Mumbles, Newbiggin, and Rhyl.

Voted a gratuity of £5 to HUGH JONES, Bow- man, at Holyhead, on his retirement, in recog- nition of his very long connexion with the Life-boat service, covering a period of fifty- three years.

Voted a gratuity of £5 to MICHAEL DREW, on his retirement after forty-five years' con- nexion with the Cadgwith Life-boat.

Decided that in recognition of the gallant and strenuous, though unsuccessful, efforts of the Bridlington Life-boat crew to rescue the crew of the coble Arrow, which foundered when crossing the harbour bar during a whole S. gale, on the 15th November, the following awards be made :—The Thanks of the Institu- tion inscribed on Vellum and framed to the Coxswain, HARRY HOPPER, who had charge of the Life-boat ; Binoculars, suitably inscribed to Mr. C. H. GRAY, Honorary Secretary of the Branch, who had charge of the launch, and worked up to his neck in water; a Letter of Thanks to Admiral Sir GUY GATOT, who took an active part in attempting to rescue and resuscitate a man who was hauled out of the sea; and additional monetary rewards to each member of the Life-boat crew and to the helpers.

Granted a monetary reward to the per- manent crew of the Wexford Life-boat, in recognition of a fine service during severe weather on the 9th November, when the crew, four in number, of the schooner Elite Park, of Barrow, were rescued from shipwreck. Also addressed Letter of Thanks to the Post Master and to the Harbour Master at Rosslare, who assisted by watching, and to the Assistant Motor Mechanic who had charge of the engine.

Directed that a Letter be sent to the Coxa- swain and crew of the Donaghadee Life-boat, expressing appreciation of a meritorious ser- vice, carried out with great difficulty and under severe weather conditions on the 9th November, when the nine hands of the s.e.

Castleislartd, of Belfast, were rescued from shipwreck, off Groomsport. Reported that the owners of the wrecked vessel had suitably recognised the good services of the Life- boatmen.

Voted £3 to three men for rescuing the crew, four in number, of the fishing boat William and Jane, of Dunbar, which was in distress, on the 9th November. The salvors were running for home in the Welcome Home when they saw the other boat dismasted and helpless, with a rope foul of her propeller. A strong E. gale was blowing with a rough sea, and it was only with considerable difficulty that communication with the disabled boat was effected. The William ar.d Jane was taken in tow for a distance of four miles, the towing boat itself being strained, as the Dunbar boat was the larger of the two.

Moderate risk was incurred by the rescuers.— Reward, £3; also granted £3 for damage received by the boat effecting the rescue.

Voted £2 5s. to three men for rescuing the two hands of the coble Four Flowers, of Clovelly, which was caught in a heavy W.N.W.

gale when about two miles from home, on the 15th November. The Life-boat being engaged with another vessel, the Motor Drifter Jane which was making for safety put about to render help, and succeeded, at considerable risk, in towing the Four Flowers clear of danger and into harbour.—Reward, £2 5s.

Thursday, 17th January, 1924.

Sir GODFREY BARING, Bt., in the Chair.

Decided to close the Hornsea Life-boat Station.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions :— £ s. d.

MR. J. W. ARCHER, for the build- ing and endowing of a Motor Life-boat for Teesmouth . . 20,250 - - £ s. d.


Piel (Barrow) CIVIL SERVICE LIFE-BOAT FUND, for the new Motor Life-boat for Margate (on account) .


THE LATE MDLLE. L. LUBINSKA, Gift from Estate of ...

—To be, thanked.

2,000 - - Rye Harbour St. Ives .

Scarborough Walton-on-the- Naze (Motor) 219 2 C 100 - - Paid £14,028 14s. 6 2. for sundry charges in connexion with the construction of Life-boats, Life-boat Houses and Slipways, and the main- tenance of the various Life-boat establish- ments.

Voted £456 11s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services :— Life-boat.

Blakeney Cromer No. 2 Cresswell Flamborough No. 2 Hasborough Margate No. 1 .

New Brighton No. 2 (Steam) Newbiggin .

Newhaven (Motor) Lives Vessel. rescued.

Barge Briton, of Lon- don 2 Schooner Gotha, of Bergkvara. Stood by vessel.

S.S. Bromma, of Chris- tiania. Stood by vessel.

S.S. #*errn Stood by vessel.

Boat of s.s. Vildanden, of Skien .... 4 Barge Greenhithe, of London. Stood by vessel.

S.S. Armagh, of Lon- don. Assisted to rescue . . . .104 Two cobles of New- biggin. Stood by cobles.

Schooner Flying Foam, of Bridgwater.

Stood by vessel.

Lives Vessel. rescued.

Steam trawler Djvara, of Fleetwood. Stood by vessel.

An aeroplane. Salved aeroplane.

Fishing boat Peggy, of St. Ives. Assisted to save boat and res- cued 5 Coble Friendship, of Scarborough . . 3 Longsard Light Vessel.

Rendered assistance.

The Cromer No. 1 Motor Life-boat assisted to save the s.s. NephriK, of Glasgow, and rescued from shipwreck her crew of twelve.

Also voted £511 5s. 4d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches, assemblies of crews, etc., with a view to assisting persons on vessels in distress :—Berwick-on-Tweed, Buckie (Motor), Caister, Cromer No. 2, Dunbar, Hoylake, Johnshaven, Looe, Newhaven, North Sunderland, Palling No. 1, Palling No. 2, Poole and Bournemouth, Rhoscolyn, Scar- borough, Sennen Cove (Motor), Stromness (Motor), Thurso, Wells, Whitby (Motor), and Winterton No.2.

A Letter of Thanks was sent to the Banff and Macduff Life-boat crew, who assembled, but did not desire payment.

Granted £3 to a man for injury in the Life- boat service, at Broughty Ferry.

Voted a compassionate grant of £10 to the relatives of the late Second Coxswain at Pad- stow, H. BRENTON, who left six children in poor circumstances.

Voted a compassionate grant of £10 to the widow of the late ex-Coxswain at Donna Nook, SAMUEL PARRISH, who left a large family in poor circumstances.