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Messages of Congratulation from Abroad

ON 4th March, the hundredth birth- day of the Institution, the following telegrams of congratulation were received from abroad—from foreign Governments, Life-boat Services and Shipping and Sailors' Societies. They are another tribute to the Institution's work for the seafarers of all nations, which all Life- boat workers in this country should read with special pleasure.


" The Danish Marine Ministry con- gratulates the Institution on the hun- dredth anniversary of its foundation.


" La Soeiete Humaine et des Nau- frages Boulogne-sur-Mer, a Society essen- tially Franco-British, founded 1825, sends warmest wishes of success to its elder sister for celebration of Centenary." HOLLAND.

" On this day of rejoicing on which your Society looks back on the splendid achieved work of a century of life-saving, we offer you our heartfelt congratula- tions.

" H. DE BOOY, Secretary, " North and South Holland Life-Saving Society." " Our best congratulations with your Institution's hundredth anniversary.

"'South Holland Life-boat Society." NORWAY.

" Highly appreciating humane work of the Royal National Life-boat Institu- tion . Norwegian Government send their best wishes on occasion celebration hun- dredth anniversary, with heartfelt thanks for assistance rendered numerous Nor- wegians during past hundred years.

" MICHELET, " Minister Foreign Affairs." " The Norwegian Life-boat Institu- tion forwards to you our heartiest con- gratulations. Our colours are fluttering from the mastheads of every Norwegian Life-saving ketch to-day.

" ANTON POULSSON, President.

" OTTAK VOGT, Secretary." " The Norwegian Shipowners' Asso- ciation wish to associate themselves with all the shipping world in giving expres- sion to the sincere gratitude felt towards you for the splendid services rendered to humanity during a century.

" HENKIKSEN, President.

" KLAVENESS, General Manager." " 8th District of Norwegian Society for the Eescue of the Shipwrecked, send their heartiest congratulations and thanks for your splendid work through 100 years.

" KLAUS REIMERS, Chairman." * " Our heartiest and thankful congratu- lations.

" The Norwegian Marine Engineers' Federation." " On your Centenary we send our members' heartiest thanks to all and best wishes for the future.

" Norwegian Mates' Association." " Hearty congratulation and sym- pathy with the Centenary jubilee." " CHRISTENSEN, President, National Union of Norwegian Sailors," " The Norwegian Shipmasters' Asso- ciation tender their heartiest congratu- lations, with thanks, for the honoured Institution's benevolent life-saving work during hundred years." " The best wishes for 100-Years Day from Norwegian Sailors and Firemen's Union.

" A BIRKELAND, President." * Captain Klaus Reimers, among other decorations for gallantry in saving life, holds a Gold Medal from the British Government.

" Accept my respectful congratulation on the hundredth anniversary of your benevolent Society.

" HANSEN, Inspector-General of Shipping and Navigation." RUSSIA.

" Sincere congratulations with the centenary of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION and the best wishes of further success in its humani- tarian work.

" Chief Central Maritime Depart- ment. People's Commissariat Ways Communication, Moscow." SWEDEN.

" Please accept our heartfelt thanks for your devoted work during a century in assisting shipwrecked mariners.

" LARSON, Chairman, " Swedish Master Mariners' Society." " In expressing their great admiration and gratitude for the noble work volun- tarily displayed by your Institution to the benefit of all seafaring nations, the Swedish Shipowners' Association have the honour to present their compliments on your hundredth anniversary.

" DAN BROSTRCEM, President.".