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Centenary Publications and Souvenirs

" Britain's Life-boats -. The Story of a Century of Heroic Service." By Major A. J. DAWSON, with an Introduction by H.K.H. the PRINCE OF WALES, K.G., President of the Royal National Life-boat Institution, and a Fore- word by JOSEPH CONRAD 7*. fjd.

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These are now ready and can be obtained from the Institution. The prices given are those at which they should be sold; but they will, of course, be supplied to Branches at their cost price.

In addition to the history of the Institution, by Major Dawson, which will be the first complete and authoritative record of the British Life-boat Service, and will have many illustrations, there will be published at the beginning of 1924 a special centenary edition of the illustrated booklet, giving a short popular account of the work of the Service, of which the last edition was called " The Story of the Motor Life-boat." It is hoped that all Life-boat workers will do all that they can to help the Institution in selling these publications and souvenirs as widely as possible.

The ideal would be that every household should have in it something, whether a book or one of the souvenirs, which would always remind its members of the existence, and the needs of the Life-boat Service..