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The New Brighton Life-Boat

THE new Motor Life-boat now being built for the Institution's Station at New Brighton, the first of the 60-foot Barnett twin-screw Boats with cabins, will, it is hoped, be completed and ready to be sent to her station this summer. It has been decided to name her " William and Kate Johnston " in recognition of the generosity of Mr. W. Stewart Johnston, the Liverpool shipowner, and his sister, Mrs. W. H. Kendall, whose gift of £7,183 to the Institution through the Port of Liverpool Branch, has been allocated to this Boat. This sum alone will not be sufficient to cover the cost, and the Committee of Management, are allocating to it also the. special fund, started by the Branch in 1919, " towards the cost of Motor Life-boats." This fund, for which the Institution is largely indebted to other Liverpool shipowners, now amounts to nearly £7,500. The balance of the cost of the Boat will be met out of the general funds of the Institution.

In order to give other stations an opportunity of seeing the New Brighton Boat, as the first of a new and most important type, she will go from Cowes to New Brighton by the East coast and round the North of Scotland, touching at several places in Ireland, crossing from there to Padstow and Bristol, and then travelling up the Welsh Coast to the Mersey. She will call at nearly thirty places, among them Folkstone, Harwich, Hull, Newcastle, Dundee, Aberdeen, Inverness, Stromness, Oban, Glasgow, Belfast, Douglas, Kingstown, Bristol, Swansea and Holyhead. This tour will take about a month.