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Special Gifts for the Life-Boat Service

As readers of The Life-Boat are aware, the Institution is always glad to receive sums for the provision not only of Lifeboats, but of the many indispensable accessories, which vary from a slipway, costing sometimes as much as, and more than, a Motor Life-boat itself, down to a pair of sweeps which cost £3.

The following is a list of these gifts, and while some are obviously gifts only of the wealthy, others are within the reach of people of quite moderate means.

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This list has been made with the idea of suggesting only those accessories on which it is easy to put a plate or inscription, so that the donor's generosity will be recorded and remembered.

The Committee of Management hope that Life-boat workers will bring this list to the notice of their friends. They feel too that many who are already regular subscribers may like to mark the Centenary Year by making some special gift.

This list of gifts has been advertised in the Press, and as a result, we have received during the past six months, two capstans, two steering wheels, four compasses, one barometer, four line- throwing guns, and nine pairs of sweeps.

One of the capstans has been presented by the boys of Lockers Park School, Hemel Hempstead, one of the line-throwing guns and one of the compasses by the boys of Sedbergh School, one of the compasses by the boys of Sidcup Place School, and one of the compasses by the boys of Winchester College, in addition to a donation to the general funds of the Institution, as a result of the lectures on the Service which were delivered at these schools a short time ago.