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The Right Hon. The Earl of Plymouth, G.B.E., C.B., D.L., P.C.

The Right Hon. the Earl of Plymouth, G.B.E, C.B.,D.L,P.C By the death of the Earl of Plymouth on 6th March last, the Institution has lost a friend who was always ready to place his name and great influence at the service of the Life-boat Cause, and who, since 1916, had been one of its Vice- Presidenta. Lord Plymouth's work for the Service began in 1906, and since then his name has been constantly associated with its appeals. In that year he became President of the West of England District of the Life-boat Saturday Fund, helping to raise several thousands of pounds. After the work of the Life-boat Saturday Fund was taken over by the Institution in 1910, Lord Plymouth issued every year a personal appeal in South Wales, and he was, until his death, President of the Institution's Branches at Barry and Redditch, and a liberal subscriber to both.

It will be remembered that Lord Plymouth proposed the principal resolu- tion at the Annual Meeting of the Governors in 1921, at which the Prince of Wales presided; and his last work for the Service, for which he had done so much, was as President of the Committee formed in 1920 to raise in Glamorgan- shire a special fund to present to the Prince of Wales the two Motor Life-boats to be stationed at Barry Dock and The Mumbles.

Lady Plymouth, has always shared her husband's generous interest in the Institution's work, and since 1910 has been President of the Birmingham Ladies' Auxiliary, now the Birmingham Ladies' Life-boat Guild..