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News from the Branches

Annual Meetings.

ALNWICK.—On 15th February, Canon Manby presided in the absence of the Chairman, Sir Francis E. Walker, Bt. The Treasurer's report for the year ended 30th September, 1922, which was carried, showed the sum of £75 10s. had been raised as the result of the first year of the Branch's work, largely through an appeal which was sent out in the name of the Duke of Northumberland. The officers were re-elected.

APPLEDORE AND BIDEFORD. — On 22nd November, 1922, the Rev. J. B.White, President of the Branch, in the chair. The report for the year ended 30th September, 1922, showed that the total receipts amounted to £274 17s. 4d, as compared with £241 Is. 6d. in 1921.

The officers of the Committee were re-elected.

ARBROATH. — On 28th November, 1922, Provost Anderson in the chair.

Report for the year ended 30th September, 1922, which was adopted, showed that the sum of £80 Os. 4d., including a legacy of £50, had been raised, as compared with £93 12s. 1d.

in 1921. The question was discussed of appealing to the fishing community for its support. The office bearers were re-elected.

BALLYCOTTON.—On 20th February, Captain Donelan, Patron of the Branch, in the chair. Special reference was made to the recent service to the Slievenamon. The Very Reverend the Dean of Cloyne, Chairman of the Committee, said that, at a time when many deeds were being done which saddened the hearts of all who loved Ireland, it was a great encouragement to see such works of benevolence and mercy being carried out by all creeds in the land. The Life-boat Service was one of their beneficent institutions which he hoped they would always support.

Mr. W. H. Garde was re-elected Honorary Secretary.

BANFF. — On 9th February, Ex- Provost Walker, Chairman of the Local Committee, presided. The report for the year ended 30th September, 1922, showed that the sum of £41 lls. lOd.

had been raised, as compared with £33 10s. Id. in 1921. Reference was made to the long service of Mr. James Cormack, who retired from the position of Coxswain, and the hope was expressed that the Committee would soon obtain a permanent crew for the Life-boat.

Mr. V. Desson was thanked for his work as Honorary Secretary.

BRADFORD. — On 13th December, the Lord Mayor (Alderman Thomas Sowden) presided. The report for the year ended 30th September, 1922, showed that the sum of £3,143 had been raised, an. increase of no less than £857 on the previous year. The Committee's thanks were expressed to all those workers through whom the sum of £1,551 had been raised by the Life-boat Day, and also to Mr. Francis Laidler, who again provided the entertainment and defrayed the expenses of the Alhambra Matinee which raised the sum of £473. It was with special satisfaction that the Committee reported that, in addition to the increased Branch contribution, they had been successful in raising £10,000 to provide the Motor Life-boat, The City of Bradford, which was to be stationed at Spurn Point.

The Committee felt that with this proud record they might venture to hope that Wharfedale and Airedale would join the city in raising the necessary funds, £12,500, to provide the Boat House and Slipway, and complete the equipment of the Station, at Spurn.

BRIDLINGTON. — On 23rd November, 1922, Alderman J. V. Main- prize, J.P., presided. The report for the year ended 30th September, 1922, made special reference to the launch by the Motor Caterpillar Tractor, and the Honorary Secretary, Councillor C. H.

Gray, said that with the experience, which he had already had, he fully believed the Tractor was capable of launching the Boat under the very worst conditions. The statement of accounts showed that the sum of £192 had been raised, as compared with £195 in 1921. The officers were re-elected.

CROMER—On 24th October, Lord Suffield, President of the Branch, in the chair. The report for the year ended 30th September, 1922, showed the Life-boat had been launched on Service on three occasions, and that the total receipts for the year amounted to £336, as compared with £290 in 1921. The subscriptions amounted to £33, practically the same sum as the previous year, but there was an increase in donations, and over £86 have been collected at the Life-boat House.

EDINBURGH, LEITH AND GRANTON. On llth December, Lord Provost Hutchison, President of the Branch, in the Chair. The Report for the year ended 30th September, 1922, showed that the Branch had raised the sum of £1,513 as compared with £2,354 in 1921.

In addition to this, the Branch had received from the Trustees of the late Mr. W. Kirkhope a legacy amounting to £6,353, so that the Branch had been able to remit to the Institution nearly £9,000. Both the Lord Provost and Sir John Findlay appealed for still more liberal support, pointing out that Edinburgh, being a seaport, it had a direct and personal reason in helping the Institution. The meeting placed on record its deep regret at the death of Lady Dunedin, who had been President of the Ladies' Auxiliary since 1907.

EXMOUTH.— On 27th December, Mr. W. G. Davy in the chair. The report for the year ended 30th September, 1922, showed that the Branch had raised the sum of £181, as compared with £296 in 1921.

The chief reason for the decline in revenue was that in 1921 the Life-boat Day had been organised by the Check- stone Sailing Club, which raised over £200, while in 1922, without the help of the club, the Branch raised only just over £80.

HOYLAKE AND HlLBRE ISLAND.— On 2nd November. The report for the year ended 30th September, 1922, showed that the Hilbre Island Life-boat was called out on Service once during the year, and that the Branch collected £101, practically the same sum as in 1921. In addition, the Ladies' Life-boat Guild collected over £180. Captain T. C. Henning was re-elected Chairman, and Mr. D. W. Hesselgrave was re- elected Honorary Secretary.

ISLE OF WIGHT.—On 9th September, the President, Sir Charles Seely, Bt., in the chair. The report for the year ended 30th September, 1922, which was presented by Mr. Arthur Douglas, showed that the sum of £738 had been raised, as compared with £1,059 in 1921. The report referred in particular to the work which had been done by the newly-formed Ladies' Guild, with Miss Seely as Honorary Secretary. The result had been an increase of £100 on the receipts of Life-boat Day, Sandown being first with £122. The reports from Ryde, Bembridge and Totland Bay Stations were read, and the Committee discussed the intention of the Institution to close the Station at Ryde, since the provision of a Motor Life-boat at Bembridge made it no longer necessary. It was finally decided that the meeting could not ask the Institution to keep the Ryde Station open, but that it should be asked not to close the Station until March, 1923, in order to give an opportunity of seeing the result of placing the Motor Life-boat at Bembridge. Sir Charles Seely was re-elected President, and the other officers were also re-elected.

SHERINGHAM. — On 23rd October, Mr. H. R. Johnson presiding. The report for the year ended 30th September, 1922, showed that the Branch had raised the sum of £105, practically the same amount as in 1921, and that there had been two launches. Special reference was made to the fact that the proceeds of Life-boat Day included nearly £15 from the Life-boat crew and helpers who had given their services free for the practice launch which took place on Life-boat Day.

Special Meetings and Efforts.

GREENWICH. — A very successful Fancy-Dress Carnival, which was organised on behalf of the Institution by the Greenwich Chamber of Trade, was held on 23rd January, among those present being the Marquess and Marchioness of Milford Haven, Sir Charles Stone, President of the Chamber of Trade, and the Astronomer Royal and Lady Dyson.

MARYPORT. — On 15th December, a very successful Dance was held at the Freemasons' Hall, the chief feature of which was the " Launching of the Life-boat," a canvas boat, manned by the Committee in Life-boatmen's dress, which sailed round the room with collecting boxes, and then " rescued " all the prize-winners, taking them safely to the band platform.

OXFORD.—A concert was held on 10th November, in the Town Hall, and in spite of a number of other concerts on the same evening, attracted a good audience. The principal feature of the concert was the pianoforte solos by Miss Isabel Hurstfield. It also included a number of folk-dances.

WICK.—A special meeting was held on 20th December, at which Dr. Sclater, Chairman of the Local Committee presided, and the Rev. J. R. Forbes presented to Mr. John Sutherland, the retiring Honorary Secretary and Treasurer of Huna, the silver ink-stand and vellum, which had been voted to him by the Committee of Management in gratitude for his services as Honorary Secretary extending over thirty years.

New Branches and Guilds.

ALDERSHOT.—A meeting was held on 7th December, for the purpose of forming an Aldershot Branch of the Institution, the chair being taken by the Mayor (Alderman A. Smith), to whose efforts the summoning of the meeting was entirely due. The Mayor was supported by Major-General the Right Hon. J. E. B. Seely, C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., Lord Lieutenant of the County, and a member of the Committee of Management, and by Major General Sir R. H. K. Butler, Acting General Officer Commanding-in-Chief at Aldershot. An address on the work of the Life-boat Service was delivered by General Seely, who congratulated the Mayor on the fact that at the very outset of his Mayoral duties he had set himself to inaugurate a Branch of the Institution. General Butler, who moved a vote of thanks to General Seely, said that he was confident that the Command at Aldershot would support the Branch. It was unanimously decided to establish a Branch, and a Committee was elected.

BLACKBURN.—A meeting was held on 27th September, for the purpose of reviving the Branch at Blackburn, the chair being taken by the Mayor (Alderman J. Fielding, J.P.). It was decided, not only that the Branch should be reconstituted, but that a Ladies' Life-boat Guild should be formed, and it was announced that a subscribers' list of £50 had already been obtained. The Mayor was elected President, Mr. W. Carmichael, Honorary Treasurer, and Mr. E. H. Simpson, Honorary Secretary.

DALTON - IN - FURNESS.—A meeting was held on 18th January, at the Town Hall, with Councillor Wharton, J.P., the Chairman of the Urban Council, presiding, for the purpose of forming a local Branch of the Institution. Councillor Wharton was elected President, and Mr. J. P. Parker, Honorary Secretary and Treasurer, and a Committee was formed. It was decided to send out a special appeal early in the New Year, and to follow this with a Life-boat Day in the spring.

PENRITH. — On 2nd August, a special meeting was called by the chairman of the Penrith Urban Council for the purpose of forming a Penrith Branch of the Institution, Mr. E. 0. Bolton being in the chair. Mr. Bolton said that in addition to their own local hospital, he felt that the charity which .they should support was the Life-boat Service. It was decided to form a Branch, Mr. Bolton being elected President, and Mr. W. Harrison, Treasurer, Mr. J. G. Sims subsequently accepting office as Honorary Secretary.

SOUTH CARNARVONSHIRE. — On 5th August, a special meeting, called by Dame Margaret Lloyd George, was held at the Carnarvonshire residence of Mr. Lloyd George, for the purpose of inaugurating a South Carnarvonshire Ladies' Life-boat Guild. Dame Margaret Lloyd George presided, supported by the Lord Lieutenant of the County (Chairman of the Branch), the Mayor and Mayoress of Carnarvon, and the Branch Secretary, Mr.J. Burnell. Over fifty representative people were present. It was unanimously decided to form the Guild, Dame Margaret Lloyd George being elected President, Mrs. Frank Gresham, Treasurer, and Miss Anita Robyns-Owen, Honorary Secretary. Four Vice- Presidents were also elected, each representing one of the towns in which the Guild will work.

TYNEMOUTH.—On 14th August there was a special launch of the Life-boat Henry Frederick Swan, for the purpose of taking afloat the members of the newly-formed Tynemouth Ladies' Life-boat Guild, of which the Mayoress (Mrs. Alex Mitchell), is President, Mrs. Jones, Secretary, and Mrs. Steel, Treasurer.

After the trip a meeting was held, and the Mayor thanked Major Burton and the Crew for launching the Life-boat, and assured them that the Guild would do all that it could to help the crew in its work. One of the intentions of the Guild is that the members of it shall always be present at a launch in order to provide hot drinks and meals both for the Life-boat crew and for those whom it rescues.

YORK.— A meeting was held on 10th November, attended by the Duchess of Portland, President of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, for the purpose of forming a Guild at York. The Lady Mayoress was elected President, Mrs. Bentley, Vice-President, Miss A. M. Rimer, Honorary Treasurer, and Mrs. Norman White, Honorary Secretary.

WALTHAMSTOW. — A meeting was held on llth October, for the purpose of forming a Walthamstow Branch of the Institution. Mr. E. Hudson- Foster was in the chair, supported by Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., Deputy Chairman of the Committee of Management, who delivered an address on the work of the Life-boat Service.

Among those present were Mr. C. Jesson, M.P., Mr. Theo Godley, J.P., and Mr. G. Gillet, O.B.E. Alderman Attwell was elected Chairman, and a Committee was chosen. Since the meeting, Mr. P. L. Withycombe has been appointed Honorary Secretary.

Owing to lack of space reports of many meetings of Branches have been held over until the next number.