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Honorary Workers of the Institution. No. 4. The Rev John Raymond, Honorary Secretary of the Llandudno (Ormes Head) Branch

A LIFE-BOAT STATION was established at Llandudno sixty-one years ago, and for more than half that time, for thirty-one years, the Honorary (Secretary of the Branch has been the Rev. John Raymond, pastor during the whole of that time of the English Baptist Church in Llandudno.

Between Mr. Raymond and the Insti- tution there has always existed the most friendly and cordial relations, and he has given to the Institution most generous and willing help. There has been an equal friendliness and goodwill between Mr. Raymond and the Life-boat men of the Station, who know that they can always count on his encouragement and help. It is a high testimony to the ability and tact with which Mr.

Raymond has carried on his work that this important Station has been maintained in such a high state of efficiency, and has been so well and smoothly adminis- tered for so many years.

Apart from the administration of publicthe Station, Mr. Raymond has devoted; much care and hard work to develop-; ing the financial side of the Branch, and in this work has received great help—help which the Institution cordi- ally recognises—from Mrs. Raymond.! Thanks to their efforts, and to the help which they have received from many ladies, Llandudno now ranks very high Llanin the list of Station Branches as a; contributor to the Institution's funds.'When Mr. Raymond became Honorary Secretary the branch income was only £28 a year. It now averages £600.

The Institution has on two occasions shown its appreciation of Mr. Raymond's services. In 1901 it presented him with a Pair of Binoculars in recognition of the fact that he had then been Hono- rary Secretary for ten years, and last year it presented him with its Record of Thanks and the Gold Pendant as some small mark of appreciation of all that he had done for the Life-boat C a u s e during thirty years.

This presentation was madethe occasion also for a signal testimony of the high esteem in which Mr. Raymond is held in Llandudno, his many f r i e n d s there presenting to him and to Mrs. Raymond a Framed Address of Thanks and a cheque'for £120.

The success of the Institution in carrying on a great national Service, without State aid, is in very great measure due to the unselfish help which it receives from such publicthe spirited men as Mr. Raymond. The Committee had earnestly hoped that they might continue for many years to have the great benefit of his tactful and invaluable services, but, unfortunately, Mr. Raymond has been compelled, owing to continued ill-health, to give up, we hope only temporarily, not only the Honorary Secretaryship of the Llanin dudno Branch, but also his pastorate, He will take with him into retirementthe gratitude, esteem, and good wishes of all who have been associated with him in the work of the Life-boat Service.

The Committee of Management, re- cognizing how much the Institution owed to his devoted services, generously given for so many years, have voted a contribution to the testimonial, which is being presented to the reverend gentleman by his fellow townsmen.

We deeply regret to announce that, as we go to press, we have received the news of Mr. Raymond's death..