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A Gallant Service By Five Shetland Fishermen

AT the end of November, 1920, the American three-masted sailing ship Marion Chilcott sailed from Denmark for St. Thomas, West Indies. When she was a few days out she met with very thick weather and strong south-easterly gales. She was driven down on to the Shetland Isles, and on the morning of the 1st December found herself being swept along by the current from the Skerries past Fetlar and in the direc- tion of Yell. She was then unmanage- able and in grave danger of being carried on to the numerous rocks.

The captain dropped his anchor, but the cable parted owing to the heavy sea. He then lowered a life-boat in readiness to embark the crew in the event of total shipwreck, but the boat was washed away and smashed to pieces.

The perilous position of the ship; had been seen by five fishermen of Scaw, John Bruce, Laurence Bruce, Hugh Bruce, Laurence Hutchison, and William Irvine. They launched their sailing boat, a small boat only 15 feet long, in light ballast, hoisting as much sail as could be carried in order to get clear of the rocks. Once clear, they had to take in two reefs, and could scarcely carry their sail under these conditions. With con- siderable difficulty they reached the Marion Ghilcott, and, despite the heavy sea, Laurence Bruce and William Irvine succeeded in boarding her at great risk to themselves. They took charge, and succeeded in piloting the vessel safely into Blue Mull Sound. In doing so they unquestionably saved not only the vessel, but the lives of the captain, his wife, and crew of twenty-six. Mean- while a small motor boat, the Fern, with a crew of six men, had set out to the rescue, but by the time they arrived the danger was past. Their services were used only for towing the small boat into harbour.

The Committee of Management have shown their appreciation of this gallant action by awarding to each of the five men who went out in the small sailing boat the Bronze Medal and a monetary reward, and to each of the six men who went out in the motor boat a monetary : reward. The five men have also re- | ceived Gold Medals from the United l States Government..