WE regret to report two serious losses which the Committee of Management have suffered by the death, on the llth September, of Admiral of the Fleet the MARQUESS or MILFORD HAVEN, and, on the 14th August, of Sir EDWARD FEETHAM COAXES, BT.
The Marquess of Milford Haven was elected a member of the Committee at the lastjAnnual Meeting, and it is a matter of deep regret that the Institutionjshould have lost, almost at once, the help of the wide and ripe experience of so distinguished a sailor. Sir Edward Coates had been a member of the Committee of Management for six years, and his colleagues will greatly miss his genial help and his deep interest in the Life-boat Service.
As business man, as politician, and as yachtsman he brought valued qualities to the work of the_Institution. Nor was he content to.,help it only at the meetings of the Committee. He was a practised and able speaker, and on many occasions put before the public, with force and persuasion, the claims of the Institution..