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Awards to Honorary Workers

DURING February, March, and April, 1921, the following awards were made to Honorary Secretaries of Branches, and to other Honorary Workers, in recognition of their services on behalf of the Institution :— To Miss FLOBENCE EDWARDS, in recognition of her valuable co-operation for many years at Howtb, the Record of Thanks and the Gold Brooch.

To 3. H. LINCEY, Esq., upon his retirement after 27 years as Honorary Treasurer of the Bradford Branch, the Eecord of Thanks and the Gold Pendant.

To Alderman DBINKWATEB, J.P., Chairman of the Coventry Branch, for his valuable co- operation, the Record of Thanks and the Gold Pendant.

To Captain JOHN ADAMSON, after 10 years as Honorary Secretary of the Seaham Branch, a Binocular Glass.

To A. B. GBEENWOOD, Esq., after 10 years as Honorary Secretary of the Walton-on-the- Naze Branch, a Binocular Glass.

To W. H. McCowEN, Esq., on his retirement after 21 years as Honorary Secretary of the Fenit Branch, the Tfianks of the Com- mittee of Management inscribed on Vellum.

To JOHN JENKINS, Esq., on his retirement after 45 years as Honorary Secretary of the Stir- ling Branch, the Thanks of the Committee of Management inscribed on Vellum.

To B. C. DEAKE, Esq., on his retirement after 12 years as Honorary Secretary of the Hythe Branch, a Framed Photograph, " The Life- boat." To THE LADY SHEFFIELD, Honorary Secretary of the Ladies' Auxiliary at Manchester, for her valuable co-operation, the Record of Thanks and the Gold Broooh.

To 3. ABTHUB BATLET, Esq., Honorary Secre- tary of the Leeds Branch, for his valuable co-operation, the Record of Thanks and the Gold Pendant.

To R. BINNY, Esq., after 12 years as Honorary Secretary ot the Padstow Branch, a Bin- ocular Glass.

A Framed Photograph, "The Life- boat," was awarded to each of the i undermentioned for their valuable co- : operation:— | Mrs. ALLAN, Honorary Secretary, Wells, | Somerset.

i Mrs. BRUCE, Honorary Secretary, Harrow.

! LADY MARY COBRY, Honorary Secretary, En- niskillen.

The Rev. T. R. COUCH, Honorary Secretary, | Poplar and Stepney.

Mrs. KEVILL DAVIES, Honorary Secretary, i Whitchurch.

Major A. T. FISHBB, Honorary Secretary, i Salisbury.

! C. OSCAB GBIDLBY, Esq., J.P., Honorary Sec- j retary, Bermondsey.

i E. H. LEWIS, Esq., Honorary Secretary, Mans- I field.

j Miss MINTEH, Honorary Secretary, Wood- bridge.

Miss A. J. PHILLIPS, Honorary Secretary, Tunbridge Wells.

A. R. SLADEN, Esq., Honorary Treasurer, Lake District.

HABBY TUBNEB, Esq., Honorary Secretary, I Atherton.

Miss E. WILSON, Honorary Secretary, Ban- nockburn.

Councillor G. R. YOUNO, Honorary Secretary, Darlington.

; Miss STELLA HAMILTON, Honorary GollectoT at Windermere (Lake District Branch)..