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Awards to Coxswains

DURING February, March, and April, 1921, the following awards were made to Coxswains:— To JOSEPH JONES, on his retirement, after 15J years' service as Coxswain of the Bull Bay Life-boat, and, previously, 12f years as Second Coxswain, a Framed Certificate of Service and a Pension.

To THOMAS HARRIS, on hia retirement, after 22 years' service as Coxswain of the Little- haven Life-boat, and, previously, 8 years as Second Coxswain, a Framed Certificate of Service and a Pension.

To CHARLES CAIN, on his retirement, after serving 15 years as Coxswain of the Peel Life-boat, and, previously to that, 5 years as Second Coxswain, a Certificate of Service and a Special Gratuity of £18..