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Awards to Honorary Workers

DURING November and December, 1920, and January, 1921, the following awards were made to Honorary Secretaries of Branches, and to other honorary workers in recognition of their services in the cause of the Institution : — To ROBERT LEES, Esq., who has been Honorary Secretary of the Wieklow Branch for 20 years, the Record 9f Thanks and the Gold Pendant.

To Miss CALDEK, who has organised Flag Days for many years at Kirkintilloch, the Record of Thanks and the Gold Brooch.

To Mrs. MAKE, who has undertaken the doorto- door collection for many years at Lenzie, the Record of Thanks and the Gold Brooch.

To Mrs. WALLACE, who has been responsible for many years for the ladies' collecting in the Ayr District, the Record of Thanks and the Gold Brooch.

To Captain HMNKY J. D. LAXTON, R.N., on his retirement after nearly 10 years' service as Honorary Secretary of the Bath Branch, the Record of Thanks and the Gold Pendant.

To JOHN MCCLELLANJJ, Esq., who has been an active worker for the Dumbarton Branch for over a quarter of a century, a mounted Aneroid, upon his retirement from the Honorary Treasurership.

To Mrs. GBAIHGEB, for valuable co-operation during many years at Bradford, the Record of Thanks and the Gold Brooch.

To A. E. INFIELD, Esq., on his retirement after 17 years as Honorary Secretary of the Eastbourne Branch, the Thanks of the Committee of Management inscribed on Vellum.

To G. C. CAIUD, Esq., 011 his retirement after 10 years as Honorary Secretary of the Clovelly Branch, the Thanks of the Committee of Management inscribed on Vellum.

To JOHN WATSON, Esq., on his retirement after 10 years as Honorary Secretary of the Banff and Maodufi Branch, the Thanks of the Committee of Management inscribed on Vellum.

To THOMAS BRADLEY, Esq., who has been Honorary Secretary of the St. Anne's Branch for 30 years, a Framed Record of Thanks.

To Mrs. F. WILLIAMS, upon her retirement after 8 years as President of the Moseley District and Joint Honorary Secretary of the Birmingham Ladies' Committee, the Record of Thanks and the Gold Brooch. Mrs.

Williams has also acted as Station Superintendent on Life-boat Days at Moseley for 20 years..