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Awards to Coxswains

TIIK following awards were made to Coxswains during November and De- cember, 1920, and January, 1921 :-- To JAMES CHISHOLM, on his retirement after serving 28 years as Coxswain, and, previous to that, for 5 years as Second Coxswain of the St. Andrew's Life-boat, a pension.

To THOMAS HEES, on his retirement after serving 15 years as Coxswain of the Angle Life-boat, a Framed Certificate of Service and a pension.

To WILLJ AM EDWARD MITCHELL, on his retire- ment after serving 21 years as Coxswain of the Lizard Life-boat, a Framed Certificate of Service and a pension. Coxswain Mitchell was awarded the Silver Service Medal in 1907.

To VTiLLiA r ADAMS, on his retirement after serving 13 years as Coxswain of the North Deal Life~-boat, a Framed Certificate of Service and a pension. Coxswain Adams was awarded the Silver Service Medal in 191G, the Second Service Clasp in the same year, and the Third Service Clasp in 1919.

He was also presented, in 1920, with a Gold Watch and Chain by tho President of the United States.

To GEOEGE LISLE, on his retirement after serving 22J years as Coxswain of the Culler- coats Life-boat, a Framed Certificate of Service and a pension.

To WILLIAM CROSS, on his retirement after serving 20 years as Coxswain of the New Brighton Life-boats, a Framed Certificate of Service and a pension.

To JAMES McCAULL, on his retirement after serving 18J years as Coxswain, and, previous to that, 2 years as Second Coxswain, and 3 years as Bowman of the Troon Life-boat, a Framed Certificate of Service and a pen- sion.

To JAMES PAY, on his retirement after serv- ing 10i years as Coxswain, and, previous to that", 10 years as Second Coxswain, and Sf years as Deputy Coxswain of the Kings- downe Life-boat, a Framed Certificate of Service and a pension. Coxswain Pay was awarded the Silver Service Medal in 1910.

To GEOEGE LONG, on his retirement after serving 24 years as Coxswain, and, previous to that, 16 years as Second Coxswain of the Blakeney Life-boat, a Framed Certi- ficate of Service and a pension.

To SAMUEL UPPEBTON, on his retirement after serving 6J years as Coxswain of the Sliore- ham Life-boat, a gratuity.