WE regret to record the death, at the end of last September, of the Rev. R.
W. PEKIIY CIRCUITT, Vicar of Brixham since 1900, and Honorary Secretary of the Brixham and Paignton Branch of the Institution for the past fifteen years. Mr. Perry Circuitt was a man of catholic sympathies, great energy, and many interests, and he worked for the Life-boat Service with characteristic enthusiasm. His association with its work dated from 1896, when he was 7iear of Heywood in Lancashire. In that year he was Chairman of a " Life- boat Saturday Fund" demonstration, and later was appointed a delegate from the Heywood Fund to the then " North of England District," and from that to the Central Committee in London.
In 1915 Mr. Perry Circuitt was pre- sented by the Institution with an Aneroid Barometer mounted on a shield, in recognition of all that he had done for the Brixham Branch. By his death the Life-boat Service loses one of the most valued of its Honorary Secretaries..