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Glamorgan's Gift of Two Life-boats to the Prince of Wales

A SCHEME is on foot to commemorate the safe return of the Prince of Wales from his voyage of 35,000 miles by a presentation from the County of Glamorgan which will at the same time signalise the fact that he is the Pre- sident of THE ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE- BOAT INSTITUTION.

One of the most representative Com- mittees ever formed in the County, has been got together, consisting of the Lord Lieutenant, the Earl of Plymouth, the Earl of Dunraven, the Lord Mayor of Cardiff, the Mayors of Swansea and the other principal Boroughs in the County, the majority of the Glamorgan Members of Parliament, the Chairmen of the Urban District Councils, the President of the Cardiff and Swansea Chambers of Commerce, and the leading South Wales shipowners. The Com- mittee held its first meeting on the 11th November, and decided that Glamorgan's mi i r n* • f 1 c 4. c Thank Offering for the safe return of the Prince shall take the form of two Motor Life-boats which it is proposed to place at the Mumbles and Barry -,,. , ,, „, 4- T4- I ock on the Glamorgan coast, It was also decided to make an immediate appeal in every city, town and village in the County for the £'20,000 which ... , . -i . i .1 i ,1 i i j will be required to build the two boats, the Committee feeling that a gift from Wales to her own Prince, in a form so intimately connected with the great shipping industry of South Wales, will be sure to meet everywhere with the widest and most generous response, The Earl Waldegrave, the Chairman of the Institution, was able to announce to the meeting that the Prince of Wales had graciously consented to allow one of the Life-boats to be named Edward, Prince of Wales, and the Committee unanimously decided to ask His Royal Highness, as President of the Institution, personally to accept the gift of the two Life-boats, and to launch the one bearing his name, as soon as they have been sent to their Stations on the Glamorgan coast.

The Prime Minister has given his personal support to the appeal, and has sent the following very cordial message to Lord Plymouth— c" * am indeed glad to learn that the County of Glamorgan, which stands forward so prom- inentiy in Its energy and enterprise m all that relates to shipping, has had the happy idea of commemorating the safe return from his Overseas Tour of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, by presenting to the In- stitution, of which the Prince is the President, two Motor Life-boats, one of which will bear the name of Wales' own Prince. There could be no more appropriate gift and no part of the kingdom has a better right to a Life-boat which will bear the name "Edward Prince of Wales.".