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Awards to Coxswains

DUIUNI; September and October the following awards were made to Cox- swains :— ; To THOMAS LANGLANDS, on Ms retirement after serving continuously as Coxswain for 43 years—22 years as Coxswain of the Upgang Life-boat, and 21 years as Coxswain of the Vhitby Life-boats—-a Framed Certi- ficate of Service and a Pension. Coxswain Langlands chose to have his pension com- muted to a lump sum, and in view of his long and valuable services as Coxswain, the Committee of Management decided to give him in addition a special grant, making £184 in all. In 1906 he had been awarded the Silver Service Medal; in 1909 the Thanks of the Committee of Management inscribed on Vellum; and in 1914 the Gold Medal for his service to the hospital ship Rohilla.

To RICHABD V. BISHOP, on his retirement, after serving 14 years as Coxswain of the Mablethorpe Life-boat, and, previous to that, (J. year as Second Coxswain, a Framed Certificate of Service and a Pension.

To THOMAS BOWKX, on his retirement, after serving 19 years as Coxswain of the Cardigan Life-boat, and, previously, 3 months as Second Coxswain and 6 years as Bowman, a Framed Certificate of Service and a Pension. In 1919 Coxswain Bowen was awarded the Bronze Medal for the service to the s.s. Conservator, of London.

To OSBERT HICKS, on his retirement, after serving 8 years as Coxswain of the St. Agnes Station, and, previous to that, 1 year as Second Coxswain and 10 years as Bowman, a Pension.

To THOMAS H. NICHOLAS, on his retirement, after serving 9 years as Coxswain of the Sennen Cove Life-boat, and, previous to that, 18 years as Second Coxswain, a Pension. In 1919 Coxswain Nicholas was awarded the Silver Medal for the service to H.M. Motor Launch No. 378, which was wrecked on the Lorjgships Reef, off Land's End.

To WILLIAM STORM, on his retirement, after 12 years' service as Coxswain of the Robin Hood's Bay Life-boat, and, previously, 19 years as Second Coxswain, a Framed Certificate of Service and a Pension..