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A Fisherman's Tribute to the Life-Boats

Ox the 30th September the Teosmouth Cardwcll was quickly on the Move. They Motor Life-boat went to the help of a Manned the Boat Beautifull They went . ... , , . , i-i through the surf to the off side. They Could tug_ with two hoppers in tow, which, not Suoceed so They Grappled they way over during a heavy fog, had run on the the Rocks to the Inside off the Ships, and rocks. Two days later the Institution Waiting Patiently for the Opportunaty suc- received the following letter from a ' ceede J in Setting 6 men From the First received me loilowing letcer irom a , H _ The Nest was still more Diflcult fisherman. It is a fine tribute to the ; has they Could not get Plenty off Water at work of the Life-boat, and, at the same the Inside so Bound They Came Through time, a graphic description of the tne Breakers to were they was Plenty off • Boom to work in, so they Manourvered the ' , Boat under her Stern and got the 2 sailors g" b, cet' T, , and very Pleased I was to see the New Coatham, itedcar- Life-Boat going Merringly up the Biver, to DEAII GKKTLEMEv-Just a line to you Middlesbrough to the Homes off the Ship on Thursday I was Fishing at the south Gare Wrecked Sailors, about 6 oclock in the Breakwater m a Dense Fog About Dinner- Evening x had Finished my Fishing. I so time, All at once it cleared, and they to my the Life Boat tti made £ast to her Surprise was a Tug Boat, and 2 hoppers Moorings, Finishing her Sucessfull Voyage, labouring heavily on the North Gare Rocks with the Seas Breaking Clean over them. Ftom yours sincerely, The Tees Motor Life-Boat the Ethel Day F. COOKE.

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