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Increased Rewards for Life-Boat Services

IN accordance with the policy laid down by the Committee of Management some time ago, the scale of' Rewards given to the Coxswains and Crews of Life-boats for going afloat to save life has again been raised, the higher Rewards taking effect from the begin- ning of April of this year. The, last increase was made in June 1919, when there was a general rise in the scale of Rewards of 25 per cent. By this new decision of the Committee of Manage- ment the scale has been raised by another 25 per cent., and the Rewards now vary from 15s., which is given for a service during a summer's day, to £3 7s.. Qd. for a day and night service in the winter. It should be added, since many people do not seem to be aware of it, that these Rewards are increased for special services. It is pleasant to be able to record that the new scale has been received with general satisfaction by the Life-boat crews.

A word may be added on the mean- ing of these Rewards. It is strictly as Rewards that these payments to Life- boat crews have been regarded from the earliest days of the Institution.

The word " pay " has never been used, and the Committee of Management have strongly deprecated its use. They have done this because, while it is possible by a system of Rewards to recognise the skill and courage which are shown by the Life-boat crews, and, by increasing the Hewards, to show their appreciation of services of special gallantry, the Institution can never hope to give " pay," on an industrial basis, for services which so often involve risk of the loss of life..