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News from the Branches

Awards to Honorary Workers.1 DURING February and March the following awards have been made to Honorary Secretaries of Branches and to other honorary workers in re- cognition of their services in the cause of the Institution :—• To Captain GEOBGE USBORNE, on his retire- ment, after nearly 40 years as Honorary Secretary of Queenstown Branch, a Silver Inkstand and the Thanks of the Committee of Management inscribed on Vellum.

To W. H. SHAW, Esq., on his retirement, after nearly 30 years as Honorary Secretary and Treasurer of the Southport Branch, a Silver Inkstand and the Thanks of the Committee of Management inscribed on Vellum.

To Lady BOWSING, for many years President of the Ladies' Auxiliary, Liverpool, the Record of Thanks and the Gold Brooch.

To Miss HUGHES, for many years Honorary Treasurer, Ladies' Auxiliary, Liverpool, the Record of Thanks and the Gold Brooch.

To H. D. BATESON, Esq., Deputy Chairman, Liverpool Branch, who has been connected with the Branch for over 21 years, the Record of Thanks and the Gold Pendant.

To Major-General J. BOUGHEY, Honorary Secretary since 1907 at Brancaster, a Bi- nocular Glass.

To W. H. ARMITAGE, Esq., Honorary Secretary since 1895 at Huddersfield, the Thanks of the Committee of Management inscribed on Vellum.

To H. A. INGLIS, Esq., upon his resignation after 28 years as Honorary Secretary at Ballantrae, the Thanks of the Committee of Management inscribed on Vellum.

To Mrs. LAXON, on leaving Coventry, in re- cognition of her active help for 18 years as a member of the Ladies' Auxiliary in that town, the Record of Thanks.

Awards to Coxswains.

The following Awards were made to Coxswains during February and •March :— To EDWARD McBAY, upon his retirement, after 17 years' service as Coxswain of the Johnshaven Life-boat, a framed Certificate of Service and a Pension.

To ALFRED HUNT, upon his retirement, after serving 6 years' as Second Coxswain and 30 years as Coxswain of the Burnham Life-boat, a framed Certificate of Service and a Pension.

To JOHN GILD, upon his retirement (owing to the closing of Queenstown Station), after 11 years' service as Coxswain, a framed Certificate of Service and a Pension.

To SAMUEL BBOWN, Coxswain of the Win- terton Life-boat, who, after 4 years' service as Second Coxswain and 9 years' service as Coxswain, has resigned on account of ill- health, certified to be attributed to service, and is unlikely to be able to work for a considerable time, a special grant of £50, as well as a Pension.


The Brixham Life-boat was launched on the 27th January, 1917, to the help | of the Greek steamer, Eflichia Vergotti, which had lost both anchors in the outer harbour, and was driving on to the breakwater. Five Life-boatmen were | put on board the steamer, and they ! succeeded in beaching her, but early | the following morning the vessel broke ] away from her fastenings. The Life- boat was launched for the second time, and with the aid of the Life-boatmen the steamer was again safely secured.

The service was performed in a whole E.S.E. gale and very heavy sea, and the weather was very cold, with snow. A claim for salvage was made by the Life- boatmen, and, when it was settled, a short time ago, they forwarded a cheque for £20 to the Institution as a volun- tary gift. The Brixham crew showed the same generous attitude on a previous occasion.


The Annual Meeting was held in the Sheldonian Theatre on the 6th February.

The Principal of Brasenose presided, and the large and representative gathering, numbering over 2,000, which was ad- dressed by Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt._.

Deputy Chairman, of the Institution, • and by. two other members of the Com- mittee of Management, Major-General the Right Hon. J. E. B. Seely, C.B., 'C.M.G., D.S.O., M.P., and Commander , the Right Hon. the Viscount Curzon, M.P., R.N.V.R., included the High Sheriff of Oxfordshire, the Vice-Chan- ' cellor of the University, the Mayor of Oxford (President of the Branch), the ' Rev. Dr. Sherwood (Vice-President), i Councillor Hutchins (Chairman), Miss i Alice Marshall (Honorary Secretary), the Rev. W. M. Merry (Honorary j Treasurer), and many other influential persons. The report for the nine months ending the 30th September, 1919, showed that the sum of £888 had been raised, of which £867 had been remitted to Headquarters. For the whole year the amount remitted was over £1,130. The Chairman, Major-General Seely, Vis- count Curzon, and Sir Godfrey Baring all spoke in terms of warm appreciation of the unceasing efforts of the Honorary Secretary and her large staff of honorary helpers. In nine years she has increased the contributions of the Oxford Branch from £130 -to £1,130. No inland branch is a more generous supporter of the Life-boat cause than the Oxford Branch, which includes an area covering most of the county.


On the 17th February a meeting was held at which the Provost, Mr. Anderson, presided, and presented to Mr. William H. Smith the Certificate of Service on which was recorded the Thanks of the Committee of Management for his long and meritorious services as Coxswain of the Arbroath Life-boat. Mr. Smith has just retired after serving'as Cox- swain for 24 years, while his connexion with the Life-boat extends over no less a period than 40 years. It is interesting to recall that fourteen years ago Cox- swain Smith, together with the second Coxswain and the Bowman, was pre- sented with a silver watch by the then German Emperor for the rescue of the crew of the schooner Gesine of Oldenburg. The schooner had gone on the rocks and was practically under water. An attempt was- first made to get off the crew by means of a rope thrown from the Life-boat, but it failed, as the Germans could not understand the directions given them.

At considerable risk the Life-boat was then taken right alongside the vessel.

Her crew were so numbed that they had to be lifted into the Life-boat, and the Life-boatmen took off their own clothing to wrap them in.


' The Annual Meeting was held on the 28th February, and the Report for the nine months ending the 30th September, 1919, showed that the Branch had raised £520, while the Ladies' Auxiliary had collected in addition £392*. Of this sum £403 had been remitted to Head- quarters. Mr. W. H. Shaw, who has been Hon. Secretary of the Branch for over a quarter of a century, has just retired, and the special thanks of the Institution for his long and valuable services were conveyed to him at the meeting. As is announced under the List of Awards to Honorary Workers, the Committee of Management are presenting Mr. Shaw with their Thanks inscribed on Vellum, and a Silver Ink- stand. Mr. George Cockshott, who has been joint Hon. Secretary with Mr.

Shaw for thirteen years, will now act as sole Hon. Secretary.

Manchester, Salford and District.

The Annual Meeting was held on the 1st March. The Lord Mayor, Alderman Tom Fox, presided, and there were also present the Lady Mayoress, the Right Hon. Lord Colwyn, Hon. Treasurer, Sir William Milligan, Sir Charles Behrens, etc., etc., while Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., V.P., the Deputy Chairman of the Institution, specially attended the meet- ing. The report showed that for the nine months ending the 30th Septem- ber , 1919, the Branch had raised the sum of £3,249, of which, £1,934 had been collected by the Ladies' Auxiliary.

For the full twelve months the sum raised was £4,200.


The Annual Meeting was held on the 1st March. The Mayor (Alderman C. Royle) presided, and there were also present the Mayoress, Mr. Joseph Blackshaw, chairman, Mr. James Wag- staff, the late Honorary Secretary, Mr, A. N. Baldwin, Honorary Secretary, and Miss A. N. Pickford, Honorary Secretary of the Ladies' Auxiliary, while Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., the Deputy Chairman of the Institution, specially attended the meeting. The report for the nine months ending the 30th September showed that the Branch had raised £450, of which £414 had been collected by the Ladies' Auxiliary.

Sir Godfrey Baring presented Mr.

Blackshaw with the Thanks of the Committee of Management inscribed on Vellum, in recognition of his valuable co-operation* for 30 years as a member of the v Committee of the Branch, for 21 of which years he had been the chairman. He also presented- Mr.

Wagstaff with a framed Photograph in acknowledgment of his valuable services as Honorary Secretary for 21 years. • y Coventry.

The Annual Meeting was held on the 1st March. The Mayor (Councillor J.

I. Bates) presided, and there were also present Alderman Drinkwater, J.P., the Chairman, and Mr. William Liggins, Honorary Secretary. The report for the nine months ending the 30th Sep- tember, 1919, showed that the branch had raised the sum of £487, while the Ladies' Auxiliary had collected in addi- tion £112. The total sum remitted to the Institution was £552. The meeting received, with great regret, the resig- nation of Mr. F. Mills, the Assistant Secretary, and a letter from Head- quarters was read thanking him for his valuable services during the seven- teen years during which he had held the post.


The Annual Meeting was held on the 1st March. Captain Phillpotts, R.N., presided, and among those present were Commander C. Milne, R.N., Mr. S.

Gumming, and Mr. O. Toms. The Honorary Secretary presented the report for the nine months ending the 30th September, 1919, which showed that £122 had been collected, and of this sum £62 had been remitted to Head- quarters. The report also referred to the loss which the branch had suffered during the year by the death of two members of the Committee, Mr. W.

Ball, sen., and Lieutenant Worsfold, R.N. Mr. W. F. Brockman was elected to fill one of the vacanies.


The Annual Meeting was held on the 2nd March. The chair was taken by Alderman W. M. Margerison, in the absence of the Mayor, and the meeting was specially attended by Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., the Deputy Chairman of the Institution, who pointed out that in the United States, where the Life-'~.

boats were a Government Service, they ; cost four times as much to maintain as in ' this country. The report for 1919 showed that Preston had raised, during! the nine months ending the 30th Sep- tember, the sum of £382, of which £350 had been remitted to Headquarters. • • Sunderland.

The Annual Meeting was held on the 3rd March, and the Mayor (Alderman A. Ritson) presided. There were also present the Rev. G. W. Froggart, Com-1 mander Hennessy, R.N., Chief Officer 1 H.M. Coastguard,. Mr. W. J. Oliver, i the Honorary Secretary, and Miss L. I Bentham, the Assistant Secretary.* The report showed that during the nine i months ending the 30th September, ; 1919, the branch had raised £567. The ; report also spoke of the valuable work, undertaken by the branch during the; war, of giving first care to sailors landed at Sunderland from wrecked or torpedoed vessels. There were 93 men cared for in this way, and so generous was the response to the special appeal for - this work that the' Honorary Secretary still has a store of clothing in hand.


The Annual Meeting was held on the ' 4th March. The Mayor (Councillor E. Spence) presided, and the Mayoress was also present. Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., the Deputy Chairman of the Insti-.

tution, specially attended the meeting, j and presented Mr. James Hogg with the Record of Thanks and the Gold Pendant, which had been voted to him by the Committee of Management on his retirement, in recognition of his; valuable services as Honorary Secretary during 21 years. He also presented;? Miss Hedley with a framed 'Photograph in recognition of her work as Honorary Treasurer of the Ladies' Auxiliary..; The report for the nine months ending the 30th September, 1919, showed that' the branch had raised £116 Hull.

The Annual Meeting was held on the ' 5th March, the chair being taken by the Lord Mayor (Alderman T. G. Hall), j There were also present the Lady| Mayoress, the Rev. A. T. Crow (the! Port Chaplain), Mr G.W.Winterbottom, the Chairman of the Goole Branch, and Mr. T. G. Milner, the Honorary Treasurer, while the Deputy Chairman of the Institution, Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., specially attended the meeting.

The report showed that during the nine months ending the 30th September, 1919, the Branch had raised £430, of which ,£238 was the result of the Life- boat Day organized by the Ladies' Auxiliary. Of the total of £430, the sum of £409 was remitted to the Insti- tution.

Lowestoft. .

On the 12th March a special meeting of the Lowestoft Branch was held, at which, in. the absence of Mr. F. Spashett, the Deputy Mayor, Mr. W. F. Cockrell, presided, and Commander Carver, the •Inspector of Life-boats for the Eastern District, presented the late Honorary Secretary, Mr. Cecil G. Taylor, with the Thanks of the Committee of Manage- ment inscribed on Vellum, as a mark of their appreciation for his valuable services as Honorary Secretary during fourteen years. The new Honorary Secretary, Mr. R. W. Seago, mentioned that, a short time before, he had ap- pealed through the local press for support and had received only one reply—and that reply had been from Yorkshire.

He was astonished at the small support received locally, and most of all at the failure of the owners of the local fishing boats to help to support the Life-boat, although it was they who benefited most by her services.

St. Anne'*.

The Annual Meeting was held on the' 15th March. Sir Charles W. Macara, Bt., J.P., presided, and there were also present Lady Macara, Councillor J. H.

Taylor, Mr. S. L. Stott, J.P., Mr. E.

Catterall, and Mr. J. E. King, the Honorary Treasurer. The report showed -that the sum of £83 8s. 4d. had been collected for the nine months ending the 30th September, 1919, but there had been a balance in hand from the k previous year, and it was decided to "remit £150 to the Institution. Mr.

''George Mellor, J.P., and the Rev.

t Addison Devis were added to the |v Committee. " Sennea Cove.

On the 10th April, Sir Clifford Cory, Bt., Member of Parliament for the St.

Ives Division, presented the Medals and. Vellums awarded to the Coxswains and crew of the Life-boat for their rescue of the crew of H.M. motor launch 378 on the Longships Beef on the 30th November, 1919. This fine ser- vice was described in the last number of The Life-Boat. Colonel Cornish, the Hon. Secretary of the Branch, read the following letter recording the thanks of the Admiralty.

" The Lords of the Admiralty fully agree with the Committee of Manage- ment of THE .ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE- BOAT INSTITUTION in regarding the service rendered by the Coxswain of this Life-boat as exceptionally fine, in view of the strong gale and very heavy sea at the time; and they desire that an expression of their high appreciation of the bravery and seamanship which resulted in saving the lives of eight of the crew of the motor launch may be conveyed to those concerned." Silver Medals and Framed Vellums were presented to T. H. Nicholas (Coxswain), whose record is 61 tunes afloat in the Life-boat on service, and T. Pender (Second Coxswain), 27 times.

Bronze Medals and Framed Vellums to E. Nicholas, 40 times afloat; J.

Nicholas, 40 ; H. Nicholas, 34 ; Edmund George, 27; E. Eoberts, 15; T. George, 11; J. Penrose, 7; H.

Nicholas, jun., and Edward George, 6 each; Ernest George, 6; Herbert Nicholas, 2 ; and J. H. Nicholas, 1.


On the llth April, before a large audience at the Hippodrome, Lowestoft, Sir Edward Beauchamp, Bt., Member of Parliament for the Lowestoft Division, presented the Medals and Vellums, awarded to the Kessingland crew for their rescue of the crew of the smack A. J. W. on the llth December, 1919, which was described in the last number of The Life-Boat. The Rev. R. Forster, rector of Kessingland presided, and among those present were Lady Beau- champ, the Bishop of Birmingham, Mr.

Woolfield, Hon. Secretary of the Kes- singland Branch, and Mr, R. W. Seago Hon. Secretary of the Lowestoft Branch.

The Coxswain and crew of the Kessing- land Life-boat, when it carried out this fine rescue, were George Knights (Coxs- wain), Edward Smith (Second Coxswain), L. Smith (bowman), J. Jeffery (signal- man), William Hart (aged 62), Herbert Thacker, W. Wigg, A. Wigg, S.'Brown, Alfred Utting, Richard Catchpole, Herman Muttett, George Blowers (aged 17), Lewis Kemp, and Albert Utting.

The Coxswain and Second Coxswain were also present at the Annual General Meeting, and as described in the report of that meeting, were decorated by Lord Burnham.


A new Branch of the Institution has just been started in Hackney with the enthusiastic support and active help of the Labour Mayor of the borough, Mr.

Alfred Payne, J.P., who has become the first President of the Local Committee.

The inaugural meeting was held in the Town Hall on the 15th April. The Mayor himself, accompanied by the Mayoress, presided, and was supported by Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., V.P., Deputy Chairman of the Committee of Management, who spoke of the Institution's plans for the building of Motor Life-boats, and by Commander Viscount Curzon," R.N.V.R., M.P., member of the Committee of Manage- ment, who spoke of the urgent need for funds. Others supporting the Mayor were Mrs. D. T. Keymer; Mr.

J. J. McClelland, L.C.C.; Councillor W.

Hammer; Colonel A. S. Murray, O.B.B., District Organising Secretary for Greater London; and Mr. L. C. Slater, R.N.R., Hon. Secretary and Treasurer of the Branch. In opening the meeting the Mayor told his audience that Mr. Thomas Wilson, a member of Parliament for the City, who was co-founder with Sir William Hillary, Bt., of the Institution in 1824, and who became the first Chairman of its Com- mittee, holding that post for twenty-six years, was a Hackney man, and at that time was living in Mare Street in what was known as the Elizabeth Fry Refuge.

In opening a Branch in Hackney, they were reviving its historic connexion with the Life-boat Service. The Rector of Hackney, the Rev. G. Vernon Smith, M.C., proposed a resolution approving of the inauguration of the Branch and promising support, to its efforts, and this resolution, seconded by Councillor Dr. Rushbrooke, J.P., was carried with acclamation.


A special meeting was held on the 19th April, to which Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., V.P., Deputy Chairman of the Committee of Management, specially came down in order to present to Lady Bowring, Miss Hughes and Mr.

Harold D. Bateson the decorations and the Records of Thanks which, as mentioned under the Awards to Hon- orary Workers, had been voted to them by the Committee of Management.

The Earl of Derby, who is one of the Yice-Presidents of the Institution, had intended to preside, but at the last minute was detained in Paris by his duties as Ambassador. Among those present were Mr. A. R. Marshall, the Rev. Stanley Rogers and Lady Paton, the Hon. Treasurer of the Southport Ladies' Auxiliary. In making the presentations, Sir Godfrey Baring said that when Lord Derby wired that he was detained in Paris the Committee of Management had deputed him to attend, as they felt they ought to be directly represented in acknow- ledging their deep appreciation of untiring service. The awards, indeed, formed the smallest possible tokens of esteem and lasting gratitude. In no place that he knew of was so much work being done on behalf of Life-boat Service as in this great city and port of Liverpool. Liverpool was essentially one of the greatest ports of the world, and Liverpool people saw the splendid work of the Life-boats at their very doors. The financial contributions of Liverpool had been growing year by year, and were of infinite credit to the great community of citizens.


On the 20th April, Admiral Sir Reginald Tupper, K.C.B., Commander- in-Chief, Western Approaches, presented to Captain Usborne the Thanks of the Committee of Management inscribedon Vellum and the Silver Inkstand which had been awarded to him for his services, during thirty-six years, as Honorary Secretary of the Queens- town Station, which has now been closed as, in changed circumstances, it is no longer needed. Among those present were :-Rev. A. E. French, Rear- Admiral Griffin Brown, R:N., 'retired ; Commander Stopford Douglas, R.N. ; Captain H. G. Somerville, D.S.O., R.N.; Lieutenant Simon, R.N.; Mrs. S. C.

Douglas, Mrs. J. W. Scott, Mrs.

Alexander, Mrs. Griffin Brown, Mrs.

French, Miss E. Shannon, Mrs. Beres- ford Wallis, Mrs. Tichborne, Miss Tich- borne, Mr. Savage French, J.P., D.L., and Mr. H. G. Solomon (District Organizing Secretary). In making the presentation, Admiral Tupper said he hoped that the presentation to Captain Usborne, the launching of the Baltimore Life- boat the previous day, and the launching of the Kingstown Life-boat two days before that, would bring THE ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION very prominently before all classes in Ireland.

He earnestly hoped the people would subscribe more money—as much as they could spare—to help the sailors of all nations.

In returning thanks, Captain Usborne said that they were all very glad to learn that a Motor Boat Service had now been established in Baltimore, and they wished the Service every success. They in Queenstown had finished their work for the present, and awaited the future developments of the port, which would surely come, with much interest. They looked upon Baltimore and Cork as their daughters, and wished them long and successful lives in the services of Life-boat work.

Coxswain John Gill was also pre- sented with a Vellum Certificate in recognition of his long services..