Torpedoed In a Heavy Gale
THE following letter speaks for itself:— Birmingham, December 31st, 1919.
DEAR SIRS, I have great pleasure in enclosing here- with £3 13$. for the funds of the Life-boat Institution, as a token of gratitude for the preservation of our dear son and brother, who was torpedoed during a heavy gale off Penzance on the night of December 28th, 1917, and was in an open boat for twelve hours, clad only in his sleeping-suit. He was mercifully restored to us from the very gate of death, and we wish to show in a small measure out gratitude for his miraculous deliverance.
I may say that this is a two years' donation, as last year I 'did not know where to send it; but although we may not be able to send -you a large donation every year, we intend to send you one, however small it may be, and keep a box for that purpose, which we shall open on the anniversary every year.
With all good wishes for your success in your good work, Yours sincerely, MR. AND MRS. J. LILE AND FAMILY.