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The North Deal Life-Boat In the Lord Mayor's Show

JDST a week before the Lord Mayor's Show in November last the North Deal Life-boats had carried out the very gallant rescues which are described on another page, when three vessels were in distress on the Goodwin Sands. It was felt to be most appropriate, with the story of these rescues fresh in the mind of the public, that. the Coxswain and crew of the Charles Dihdin should take part in the procession. For the first time for four years it was a procession of peace, a pageant of the League of Nations, and nothing could have brought home more forcibly to the people of London this truth, which all Life-boat wprkers wish to impress on others, that the end of the war has .brought the Service no respite from its work or dangers, than the pres- ence in the procession of these warriors of the Life-boats, who had come to it almost direct from a perilous rescue, ,ih which several Of them had been injured..