Summary of the Meetings of the Committee of Management
Friday, 11th January, 1919.
Sir GODFREY BARING, Bt., V.P., in the Chair.
Reported the receipt of the following special contributions:— CIVIL SERVICE LIFE-BOAT FUND £. s. d.
(per W. FORTESCUE BARRATT, Esq. Balance of expenses for the Civil Service Life-boats for 1917) 489 7 2 OLDHAM LIFE-BOAT FUND (towards maintenance of the Oldham - Life-boat) 105 - - JOSEPH COLLINGWORTH, Esq. . 52 10 - THE OCEANIC STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. Proportion of amount collected on the " White Star " Steamers 25 - - —To be thanked.
Awarded the Thanks of the Institution inscribed on Vellum to Lord Raglan (on his resignation as Lieut.-Governor of the Isle of Man) in recognition of the many occasions on which he has advocated the claims of the Institution and done much to assist it. Also awarded the Gold Brooch of the Institution to Lady Raglan.
Paid £8,287 7s. 3d. for sundry charges in connexion with the maintenance of the various Life-boat establishments.
Voted £10113s. 9 Z. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services:— Lives Life-boat. Vessel. saved.
Donaghadee . Ketch Altje. Stood by vessel.
Holyhead Ketch Hetty, of New- I Steam) quay. Landed 6.
Lowestoft . . Schooner Mary Mackay, of Grimsby. Landed 6.
Piel, Barrow . S.S. Fairhaven, of Whitby .... 27 Caister No. 1 Life-boat rendered assistance to the s.s. Oakford, of Dublin ; the Lowestoft Life-boat assisted to save the schooner Susan Vittery, of Grimsby, and her crew of six hands; and the Margate No. 2 Life-boat assisted to save the ketch Albert, of Bruges.
Also voted £303 16s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches, assemblies of crews, etc., with a view to assisting persons on vessels in distress:—Aldeburgh No. 1, Barry Dock, Blakeney, Caister No. 1, Clacton- on-Sea, Donna Nook, Kingstown, Margate No. 2, The Mumbles, North Deal,Palling No. 1, Point of Ayr, and St. Ives.
Granted £18 7s. to men for injury, etc., in the Life-boat service at Ilfracombe and St. Anne's.
Voted additional monetary rewards to the ; crews at St. Ives and Donna Nook for arduous services on the 29th September and : 25t»h December respectively.
Voted a further sum of £50 for the benefit of the men of the Ramsgate Life-boat who participated in the rescue of the Indian Chief in 1881.
Awarded the Silver Medal of the Institution, together with the Vote inscribed on Vellum and £5, to Company Quartermaster Sergeant HENRY ESCOTT, R.G.A., also the Vellum Thanks and £2 each to Seaman Gunner y. BOASE and S. HART, and£l each'to four other men for their services near St. Ives on the 29th September. Owing to a sudden change in the wind, which blew with a force of a whole N.N.E. gale, one of H.M.. motor launches was seen to be in difficulties and drifting rapidly towards the shore. The Life-boat was launched but arrived too late to be of assistance, as the motor launch struck a rock and blew up. Unfortunately ten lives were lost, the only survivor being rescued by S. Hart, who went into the water and seized the man when he was washed towards the shore. Sergeant Escott, who had been search- ing the rocks at the foot of the cliff, made his way to the top, and seeing another man in the water with a life-buoy on, at once volun- teered to go in after him. A rope was fastened round him and he was lowered into Clodgy Cove, which is 10 feet to 12 feet deep at the lowest place, and in which a heavy sea was running. The sailor was on the other side of the gully, but Escott managed to swim to him and fastened a rope round him.
Unfortunately the rope broke, but Escott was able to secure it to the man's life-buoy for the second time. Again it broke, a few feet from the life-buoy, and again Escott seized the end and by twisting it round his legs was able to hold the man. Another rope was then lowered and made fast to the man, but for the third time it broke, and the sailor fell- into the sea and was drowned. Sergeant Escott, who all the time was himself sus- pended by a rope, was by theta exhausted.
On seeing this Seaman Gunner W. Boase had a rope fastened round him and was lowered into the Cove and succeeded in saving the sergeant. The four other men, to whom awards were made, also rendered valuable assistance on this occasion.
Voted £1 to two men for saving two persons in a small fishing-boat off Llandudno on the 4th December.
Friday, 7th February, 1919.
The Rt. Hon. the EARL WALDEGRAVE, P.O.,, V.P., in the Chair.
Reported the receipt of the following special contributions:— Miss AGNES CROSS. Towards £. s. d.
the cost of a Motor Life-boat for Lowestoft 3,500 - - Miss L. RUSSELL 20 - - — To be thanked.
Bembridge Accepted with regret the resignation of Comr. W. G. Bigg, R.N., District Inspector of Life-boats.
Paid £6,786 16s. 9 2. for sundry charges -in connexion with the maintenance of the various Life-boat establishments.
Voted £210 Is. 9(2. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services:— •Lives Life-boat.
Caister No. 1 Vessel. saved.
Caister No. 1.
Cambois . .
S.S. Francesco,, of Hull. Landed 4 and saved ... 5 S.S. Buffs, of London.
Stood by vessel.
S.S. Flandrier. Stood Newbiggin .
Padstow No. 1 * Poole . . .
Poole . . .
Porthoustock by vessel.
S.S.Flandrier. Stood Ketch Annie Ethel, of Lowestoft.
Landed 5,.
Schooner Zwaluw 28 Ex-German Sub- marine. Stood by vessel and saved .
H.M. tug S.S. 78.
Rendered assistance.
Caister No. 1 Life-boat assisted to save the s.s. Francesco,, of Hull; Grimsby Life-boat assisted to save the ketch Semper Spera, of ' Rotterdam; Ilfracombe Life-boat assisted to save the s.s. Kelburne, of Leith; and the Torquay boat assisted to save the schooner Skell, of Hull.
Also voted £514 Os. Id. to pay the expenses . of the following Life-boat launches, assemblies of crews, etc., with a view to assisting persons on vessels in distress:—Blakeney, Blyth, Caister No. 1, Clovelly, Cromer, Dunbar, Pal- mouth, Fleetwood,, Lowestoft, Margate No. 2, New Brighton (Steam), New- burgh, North Deal, North Sunderland, Pad- stow No. 2, Palling No. 2, Poole, Ramsgate, Scarborough, Stomoway, Tynemouth, and Wells.
Voted an additional monetary reward to the Gaister No. 1 crew for an arduous service in very cold weather, on the 29th January.
Voted £5 to five men for putting off in a boat from Ilfracombe on the evening of the 1st January, and saving two lads, one of them injured, who were on rocks surrounded by the tide.
Voted £3 to three men for putting off in a motor-boat from Falmouth and saving the crew of four hands of the schooner Mary Agnes, of Wexford, which stranded at Pen- dennis Point, on 4th January, in a N.E. gale.
Voted £2 15s. to eleven men for rescuing the crew of nine hands of the motor cargo vessel Sigred, of Arendal, which was totally wrecked close to the East Pier at Bridlington, on 21st January.
Voted £3 10s. to fourteen men for rescuing the crew of six hands of the schooner Hangar, of Arendal, which sank off Lowestoft, on 24th January.
Voted an.additional £1 10s. to three men for assistance on the occasion of the wreck of one of H.M. motor launches near St. Ivies, on 29th September last, as reported to the Committee last month. , Friday, 7th March, 1919.
The Rt. Hon. the EARL, WALDEGRAVE, P.O..
V.P., in the Chair.
Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the previous meeting:— From the OLD AND PRESENT CAB- ' Sl ' THUSIAHS (per F. GIRDLESTONE, Esq.) 25 - - A. J. STOREY, Esq., of Nyasaland * 25 - - —To be thanked.
Accepted with regret the resignation of Lt.-Com. P. Maclean, B.N.B., who had been Acting District Inspector of Life-boats during the war. Specially recognized the good services of Mr. Courtney H- Edmonds on his resignation as Honorary Secretary of the Exeter Branch, extending over a period of fifty years.
Specially recognized the good services, ex- tending over many years, of the following Honorary Secretaries of the Institution:— David Dempster, Esq., at Dundee; A. A. H. Wykeham, Esq., at the Isle of Wight; C. M.
Hart, Esq., at Lizard, etc.; C. 23. Turner, Esq., at Salcombe and Hope Cove; George Cockshott, Esq., at Southport; J. Owen, Esq., at Cardigan; F. H. Barclay, Esq., at Cromer; Mrs. Crosbie, at Greencastle; E. Voisin, Esq., at Jersey; J. F. Jellicoe, Esq., at Liverpool; B. H. Jones, Esq., at Llanddulas; and T. F. Murphy, Esq., at Tramore.
Paid £11,969 10s. 5d. for sundry charges in connexion with.the maintenance of the various Life-boat establishments.
Voted £161 8s. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services:— Lives Vessel. saved.
American troopship Narragansett. Stood North Deal . . S.S. Piave, of New 29 Jersey ....
Robin Hood's Bay Ketch Tynesider, of Newcastle-on-Tyue. 7 St. Ives . . . S.S. Kelburne, of Leith. Stoou by vessel.
Totland Bay. ; Ketch Mercken, of Antwerp. Rendered assistance.
Gorleston No. 2 Life-boat assisted, the s.s. Peniche, of Lisbon, and the Ramsgate Life- boat rescued twenty-three of the crew of the s.s. Piave, of New Jersey.
Also voted £274 2s. 9d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches, assemblies of crews, etc., with a view to assisting persons on vessels in distress:—Appledore No. 1, Arbroath, Caister No. 1, Cloughey, Dunbar, Gorleston No. 2, Grimsby, Hartlepool No. 2 Sennen Cove Helvick Head, Padstow No. 1, Ramsgate, St. Mary's, and Scarborough.
Granted £7 10s. to a man injured in the Life-boat service at Lowestoft.
Decided to send a special Letter of Thanks to Mr. W. COULDBEY, Honorary Secretary at Bembridge, for his valuable assistance, on the occasion of the launch of the Bembridge Life- boat to the American troopship Narragansett on the 1st February.
Voted £1 to four men for rendering assist- ance, on the 27th January, to the small motor fishing-boat Spark, which had been caught in a moderate off-shore gale off Tenby and was being blown out to sea.
Voted £1 10s. to three men for putting off from Coverack, on the 13th February, and bringing ashore a Coastguard man who was clinging to a boat which had capsized. He was unconscious when brought ashore, and unfortunately all efforts to restore life failed.
Voted a pair of binocular glasses to Mr. H.
W. WEBSTER, Master of the tug Champion, and £5 for division amongst the crew of the tug, for their services in rescuing twenty-three of the crew of the s.s. Piave, of New Jersey, which was wrecked on the Goodwin Sands on the 29th-31st January. The North Deal and Ramsgate Life-boats also rescued fifty-two persons from'the same vessel; Friday, llth April, 1919.
The Rt. Hon. the EARL WALDEGRAVE, P.O., V.P., in the Chair.
Reported the receipt of the folio wing special contributions:— . £ s .
H. GRAHAM BUSH, Esq. , . . 105 - - SOME RESIDENTS OF SHANGHAI 33 5 2 —To be thanked* Paid £8,077 13s. 3d., for sundry charges' in connexion with the maintenance of the various Life-boat establishments.
Voted £262 5s. id. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services — Life-boat. Vessel. - saved.
Arbroath . . Fishing -boats of Ar- broath. Stood by boats.
Arbroath . . Motor fishing - boat Queen of the Fleet, of Arbroath. Stood by boat and landed 1 man.
Brancaster. . Motor fishing - boat Anoi, of Wells. As- sisted boat and landed a boy.
Bridlington . Motor fishing - boats.
Stood by boats.
Cardigan . . S.S. Conservator, of London. .... 10 Llandudno. . , Schooner Ada Mary, of Liverpool .... 2 Newbiggin . Fishing-cobles of New- . ... : i biggin. - Stood by i cobles. ' Lire* Life-boat. Vessel. saved.
Porthoustock . S.S. FSrde; of Bergen.
Stood by vessel and transferred 22 persons to a motor-boat.
Scarborough Motor fishing-boats of Filey and ' Scarbor- ough. Remained in attendance.
S.S. Falmoufh Castle, of Falmouth. Landed 7, Schooner Village Belle, of Wexiord. Stood Wexford Wicklow . . North Arklow Light- ship. Landed 2 men from lightship.
Caister No. 1 Life-boat assisted to save the schooner Intrepide, of Gravelines; the Ram- sey Life-boat conveyed back to their vessel five of the crew of "the s.s. Carronpark, of Greenock, who had come ashore for help and were unable to retain in their ovm boat; and the Walton-on-the-Naze Life-boat saved the lighter Cromer, of London.
Also voted £291 5s. 2d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches, assemblies of crews, etc., with a view to assisting persons on vessels (in distress:—Clovelly, Courtmac- sherry, Dungeness No. 1, Eastbourne, Flam- borough No. 1, The Mumbles, New Romney, North Deal, Palling, Penlee, Ramsgate, Seaton Carew, Skegness, Svmdeiland, WaLton- on-the-Naze, and Wells.
Awarded the Bronze Medal of the Institu- tion, together with the Vote inscribed on Vellum, to THOMAS BOWEN, Coxswain of the Cardigan Life-boat, and also to JOHN OWEN, Coxswain of the Llandudno Life-boat, together with additional monetary rewards to the crews, for very good services carried out in a very heavy sea, on the 27th March.
Granted £30 to men for injury, eto., fax. the Life-boat service at Blackpool, New Brighton, and Walton-on-the-Naze.
Voted a compassionate grant of £20 to the widow of J. HAYLETT, Coxswain at Caister, and defrayed the funeral expenses.
Voted £5 to PATRICK MoDEViir, Master of the fishing-vessel Daylight Star, £3 each to two other men, and £1 each to four men, for rescuing the crew of seven hands of the fishing-boat St. Base, oi Londonderry, which was wrecked, in hazy weather, near Inish Boffin, on. the night of the 31st January.
Voted £2 to H. SWANKIE and 15s. each to four other men at Arbroath for saving H.M. drifter Angela and her crew of three hands, on the 25th February.
Voted £3 15s. to five men for putting off from Dunbar and saving a man belonging to the fishing-boat The Brothers, on the 21st March. : Voted £7 10s. to fifteen Life-boat men at Skeguess for rescuing the crew of eight hands of the schooner Ewrppa, of Amsterdam, on the 21st March, which was driven against the pier.
[FEBRUARY, 1920.
Thursday, l«t May, 1919.
The Rt. Hon. the EARL WALDEGRAVE, P.O., V.P., in the Chair.
Reported that H:B.H. The Prince of Wales, K.G., had graciously consented to become the President of the Institution.
Appointed Lt.-Colonel A. Sr Murray, Or- ganizing Secretary for the London District; the appointment to date from the 15th May, 1919.
Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the previous meeting:— Miss AGNUS CROSS (towards the cost of a Motor Life-boat for Lowestoft), £1,000 additional.
Per F. GIRDLESTONE, Esq. (further towards the cost of the Charterhouse Life-boat), £50.
—To be thanked.
Awarded the Thanks of the Institution on Vellum to Mr. W. W. PETHERICK on his resignation, after having acted as Honorary Secretary at Bude lor fifteen years.
Paid £6,865 19s. 3d. for sundry charges in connexion with the maintenance of the various Life-boat establishments.
Voted £8 17s. to pay the expense of the following service:— Lives Life-boat. Vessel. • saved.
Youghal . . . Two salmon yawls of Knockadoon. Re- mained in attend- ance.
Also voted £151 6s. Ad. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches, assem- blies of crews, etc., with a view to assisting persons on vessels in distress:—Brougbty Perry, Caister No. 1, Clovelly, Dunbar, Bast- bourne No. 2, Gorleston No. 1, Hastings, Llandudno, Newhaven, and Ramsgate.
Voted £8 to eight men for saving four men from a salmon yawl which had capsized off Youghal in a W.S.W. gale, on the 14th April.
Voted £2 3s. to seven men at Lowestoft for landing three men who were in difficulties in a pleasure boat on the Holm Sand, on the 19th April.
Voted £4 10s. to three men for saving a man from a fishing coble which had capsized in a moderate N.E. breeze and heavy sea off Filey Brigg, on the 21st April.
Friday, 30th May, 1919.
The Rt. Hon. the EARL WALDEGRAVE, P.O., V.P., in the Chair.
Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the previous meeting:— ' - £. s. d.
THE OCEANIC STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. Proportion of amount collected on the " White Star " Steamers ....... 50 - - LEO M. ToBm, Esq 50 - - Miss HOYLE 25 - - —To be thanked.
Paid £10,429 16s. 8d. for sundry 'charges in connexion with the maintenance of the various Life-boat establishments.
Specially recognized the good services of Mr. JOSEPH BLACKSHAW of Stockport, ex- I tending over many years.
1 Voted £94 6s. pay the expenses of the 1 following Life-boat services:— j Lives i Life-boat. Vessel. saved.
Clacton-on-Sea . Barge H. Pierrepont, of Gravesend . . 2 Margate No. 1 . S.S. Dunvegan, oiSos- ton, Linos ... 9 Margate No. 1 . Schooner Valkyr, of Gothenburg. . . 9 Newbiggin . . Fishing coble, of New- biggin. Remained in attendance.
Scarborough . . Fishing cobles Lady.
Adelaide,Elvina and Martha. Saved cobles and ... 6 Sennen Cove. . S.S. Frisia, of Rotter- dam 14 Sunderland . . Fishing cobles Lord Roberts and Star of Peace. Rendered assistance.
Ilfracombe Life-boat saved the schooner Elizabeth Alice, of Plymouth, and her crew of six hands, and the North Deal (Reserve) Life- boat rendered assistance to the barge Lily, of Whitstable.
Also voted £274 12s. Id. to pay the expenses ! of the following Life-boat launches, assemblies i of crews, etc., with a view to assisting persons i on vessels in distress:—Appledore No. 1, Cadgwith, Caister No. 1, Cardigan, Clacton- on-Sea, Fraserburgh, Hastings, Littlehampton, Llandudno, Lowestoft, Margate No. 1, Palling No. 2, Walton-on-the-Naze, and Winterton No. 2..
Granted weekly pensions to the widows and dependent 'children of ANDREW NOBLE and ANDREW FARQUAR, Coxswain and Acting Second Coxswain respectively of the Fraser- burgh Motor Life-boat, who lost their lives in an accident to that boat when she was pro- ceeding to the assistance of H.M. drifter Eminent I.N.S. Ill, in a heavy northerly gale and tremendous sea, on the 28th April.
Voted additional monetary rewards to the crews of the Clacton-on-Sea and Margate No. 1 Life-boats for arduous services in very bad weather on the 28th April.
Voted 10s. to two men for saving two others whose fishing-boat had sunk in' Poole Harbour, on the 10th April.
Voted £3 to six men for putting off from St. Andrews and rescuing a man from a pilot dinghy on the 16th April, in which he had been drifting all night.
Voted 15s. to three men for putting off from The Lizard, on the 10th May, in a dense fog, to the assistance of a steamer supposed to be ashore. A steamer's siren was heard but no vessel could he found.
Friday, 4th July, 1919.
The Rt. Hon. the EARL WALDEGRAVE, P.O., V.P., in the Chair.
Reported the death of Sit BOVERTON RED- WOOD, Bt., F.R.S., who had been a member of the Committee of Management since 1909.
Reported the receipt of the following special contributions:— £ s d "BATH'.'. ....... 2,000 - - Miss ELIZABETH HILTON . . 100 - - GRANTON NAVAL BASE CANTEEN COMMITTEE 50 - - —To be thanked.
Appointed Comr.. S. C. Douglas, B.N.,.
District Inspector for the Irish District as from the 1st July, 1919.
Voted £101 5s. 8d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services:— lives Life-boat. Vessel. . saved.
North Berwick A pleasure boat, of North Berwick. Saved boat and .... 2 North Deal . S.S. Clara, of New York. Stood by vessel.
St. Anne's . . Schooner Herbert Black, of Boston, U.S.A. (and a cat) 8 Scarborough . Fishing coble Breadwin- ner, of Scarborough.
Stood by coble.
Scarborough . Schooner Melba, of New- castle ..... 8 Clacton-on-Sea Life-boat assisted to save the yacht Bonito, and the North Deal Life- boat assisted to save the schooner Innovation, of Lahave, N.S., and her crew of eight hands.
Also voted £59 2s. 4d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches, assemblies of crews, etc., with a view to assisting persons on vessels in distress:—Bude, Caister No. 1, North Deal, Ramsgate, Sennen Cove, and • Southport.
Granted £45 14s. 6d. to men for injury, etc., in the Life-boat service at Caister, Tynenouth, and Weymouth.
Voted an additional monetary reward to the crew of the St. Anne's Life-boat for a good service on the 23rd June.
Awarded the Silver Medal of the Institution, together with a copy of the Vote inscribed on Vellum and the sum of £3, to ALFRED JACKSON, for rescuing the wife of the Captain of the s.s. Falmouth Castle, which was "wrecked at Porthcurnow on the 17th March.
The Sennen Cove Life-boat had been summoned, but before she arrived Jackson "pot off from Portbgwarra (about a mile 'distant) in a 14 ft. punt. With considerable difficulty and at great risk on account of the heavy seas, which were making a clean breach over the vessel, he succeeded in getting the woman (aged 68), who was in a state of collapse, into his boat and safely to land.
Also awarded the Bronze Medal of the Institution, together with copies of the Vote inscribed on Vellum and the sum of £2 each, to THOMAS HICKS, EDWARD SLEEMAN and DAVID SLEEMAS, junior, for saving seven of the crew of the same vessel. Two of th e crew had been brought ashore by the rocket apparatus, and the salvors put off from the motor-drifter Ben-ma-Chree in their small boat and succeeded in saving the remaining men on board.
Awarded the Bronze Medal of the Institution, together with copies of the Vote inscribed on Vellum and £2 each, to CHARLES SLATER, P. O..H.M. Coastguard, and PATRICK RICKARD, for their endeavours to save life at Howth, on the 18th May. £4 2s. was also voted to two other men for assistance on the same occasion.
A message was received from the Coastguard saying that a soldier had fallen over the cliffs, and asking for a boat to be sent. Slater and Rickard, with two other men, put off in a motor-boat. A strong S.S.E. breeze was blowing, with a rough sea, and on reaching the spot where the man had fallen Slater jumped overboard from the launch and swam to the rocks. He found that the soldier had, unfortunately, been killed, and as he was unable himself to bring the body to the launch Rickard also jumped overboard and swam, to the rocks to help him. Afterwards the two men, with the body, were dragged with ropes through the sea to the launch.
Voted £1 17s. 6d. to three men for saving three others in a small boat, which was in danger of being swamped off Montrose, on the 18th May.
Voted £4 10s. to three men for saving three others from a motor-boat Our Minnie, which was on fire off Port Isaac, on the 5th June.
Voted £2 to eight men for patting oft from Berwick-on-Tweed in a motor-boat to render assistance to a small boat with three men in her who, owing to a strong W. breeze, were unable to make the shore, on the 7th June.
Awarded the Bronze Medal 'of the Institu- tion, together with copies.of the Vote inscribed on Vellum and £2 each, to WILLIAM ROBINSON (Second Coxswain of the Life-boat) and GEORGE BOYNTON, for saving two men who were thrown into the sea through the capsiz- ing of the fishing coble Leslie, off. Piley, on the 12th June. The salvors, who were on board another coble, saw the accident and succeeded, at very great risk, in saving the two men in the water, who were in a very exhausted condition. A whole S.S.W. gale was blowing with a very heavy sea.
Voted £1 10s. 6d. to four men for putting off from Eastbourne in a motor-boat to render assistance to a yacht which was reported, to be sinking, on the 21st June.