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St. Mary's, Woolwich. Presentation of Life-Boat Institution Award

eAN interesting ceremony took place on Wednesday, October 16th, in St. Mary's Girls' School, Woolwich, the occasion being the award of the Challenge Shield for London in connection with the recent essay competition on the " Heroic Work of the Life-boats." The Mayor of "Woolwich presided, supported by Mr, G. F. Shee, Secretary of the Institution, The Hector of Woolwich (the Rev. A, M.

Pickering), Mr. W. J. Squires, L.C.C., J.P., Mr. G. Sampson, Mr, G. Taylor, Rev. B. Pickering, Mrs, and Miss Pickering, Mrs, Yeages and Miss Noad ware also present, and many parents.

An interesting programme was success- fully rendered by the senior girls, the songs, "The Life-boat" and "Grace Darling," calling for special mention.

la the unavoidable absence of Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., M.P., Deputy Chairman of the Institution, Mr. G. IP.

Shee made an admirable speech on the work and utility of the Life-Boat In- stitution, emphasising their "courage, endurance, humanity," and showing that the object of the essay scheme wSs to form a link between children and the man who risk their lives to s»Te oar sailors and all those "in peril on the sea." The Mayor of Woolwich then presented Jessie Bush with tho "Chal- lenge Shield for London " (to be retained at the school), a certificate of merit, engrossed on vellum, and a War Savings Certificate; and to show his keen appre- ciation of the honour conferred on Jessie Bush, on her school, and indirectly on Woolwich itself, he presented her with a fie* pound note. A certificate of merit, for retention by the school, was handed to Mrs. Clark, the headmistress, who thanked the whole staff for loyalty and co-operation in the working of the school, A vote of thanks was proposed by the Rev, A. M, Pickering, and seconded by Mr. Squires; and with the singing of the National Anthem, a " Red Letter day " in the history of the school was brought to a close.