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Life-Boat Essay Competition, 1919

The Editor acknowledges most gratefully the active and valuable co-operation which the Life-boat cause has received from the head teachers and staffs of schools throughout the country, and would appeal for further help in the work of bringing the claims of the Institution before the public of their towns and villages. This can be done by— (1) Arranging for a short address to the pupils on the " Work of the Lifeboat." Application for a. speaker should be made to the Organizing Secretary of the District. In the case of schools where the head teacher would be willing to address the pupils, a copy of an address on the "Life-boat and its Heroic Work " would be forwarded on application.

(2) Writing to the District Organizing Secretary (for addresses see page 284) and offering to act as Honorary Secretary, or to join the Local Committee formed, or to be formed, in the town or village where the school is situated. In places where no Flag Day has hitherto been held the Organizing Secretary would be pleased to hear from the head teacher.