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Wexford Station

THE Coxswain has received the following letter from one of the men rescued from the wreck of the William and Michael:— SKULMARTIN LT. SHIP, BALLYWALTER, Go. DOWN.

19th July '17.

DEAR MR. WICKHAM & CREW, ' I take the pleasure of writing you those few lines hoping they will find you all in the best of good health.

Mr. Wickham I cannot thank you and your crew too much for the risk you run in saving me and the two Furlongs life from been drowned on Wexford dogger bank on the evening of the 28th June '17.

Mr. Wickham although we seen you coming to our assistance we had not the least opinion : of you taking us off the wreck as the sea was j so rough on the bank. I am almost sure that i only for you coming so quickly to our assist- j ance we would have been drowned in twenty minutes after you taking us off as our boat was almost full of water and beginning to go to pieces. I have been in small boats and vessels since I was 14 year old, and I under- stand a little about small boats, but I could not believe a small boat could be handled like you handled her that evening.

I had given up all hope of been saved. Mr. Wickham I am almost very sorry that I am not in a position that I could compensate you and your crew, but should I ever be, I shall never forget you, as there is no money could compensate you in the risk you run in saving life.

Trusting your Life-Boat Institution will be so kind, and take your case into consideration, I will bring this to a close, wishing to be remembered to your crew, I remain, Forever yours sincerely, (Signed) G. WILLIAMS.