Selsey Station
AFTER forty years' service in the Life- boat, during twenty of which he was Coxswain, Mr. Thos. Sparshott has re- tired with the Institution's pension. On 25th July a meeting was held in the Selsey Life-boat House, at which the retiring Coxswain was presented with the parchment " Certificate of Services," the presentation being made on behalf of the Institution by Mr. K. Foote, Acting Deputy Chief Inspector, who referred to the fact that Mr. Sparshott had been out to 24 wrecks and had assisted at the saving of 110 lives.
After the presentation, the Rev. K. H. MacDermott, Hon. Sec. Selsey Life-boat, handed to Mr. Sparshott a cheque for over£9,which had been subscribed locally as a slight recognition of his attention to his duties for so long a period.