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The S.S. Skane

The s.s. Slcane', of Helsingborg, whilst bound from Stock- holm to Calais with a cargo of timber, stranded on the Whitby Bock during the evening of the 30th November. As ! the weather was fine and the sea smooth ; the fishermen put off in their cobles to try and refloat the vessel, but in this they were unsuccessful, as the vessel was holed and the water had got into the engine room. Next day a tug was sent ! for, and with her assistance the vessel was got off the rocks, but she had to be immediately beached as she was in a sinking condition. During the after- noon the wind backed into the S.E. and the sea became very rough, and as there were twenty persons on board, including two women, it was considered desirable to land them. When the Life-boat reached the steamer ten of the crew were taken off and landed. She then returned to the vessel and brought the two women ashore, the remainder of the crew, eight in number, stating that they did not desire to leave their vessel. At about 9.30 P.M., the weather having become worse, signals of distress were displayed on the steamer, and the Life- boat put off again and brought the remaining eight men ashore..