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The S.S. Lock

The s.s. Loch Lomond, of Dundee, whilst bound from the Tyne to Marseilles with a cargo of 3,600 tons of coal, stranded on the North Holm Sand on the 8th November.

A strong westerly breeze was blowing at the time, with a moderate sea. The vessel was observed from the shore, and the Kent-well was launched to her assistance. After she had stood by the vessel for some time the Life-boat was engaged to assist in salving her, and ropes were passed from the ship to tugs. Attempts to refloat the vessel proved unsuccessful, and the Life-boat returned to harbour until the tide was again favourable. Renewed efforts were then made, and more tugs were engaged to assist in the work of salvage. As these efforts also proved fruitless, the boat again returned to port, and put off to the vessel when the tide flowed. On the morning of the 10th, ropes having been passed to six tugs, towing operations were renewed, and at about noon the steamship was successfully refloated..