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The S.S. Glenpark

Shortly after noon on the 18th April the Coastguard reported that a vessel was in distress on the Holm Sands. The weather was fine at the time, with a light S.W. breeze blowing and a smooth sea, but, as it was feared that she would not be able to get clear of the sands without assistance, the Life-boat proceeded to her. The vessel proved to be the s.s. Glenparlt, of Greenpck, bound from Hartlepool to Cowes with a cargo of coal. She was ashore on the north part of the sand, and the Life-boatmen, together with others who had gone off, were engaged to refloat her. They remained in attendance until 2 P.M. next day assisting in the work of salvage; the Life-boat then returned ashore to enable the men to obtain food, etc. Later in the day the boat again proceeded to the stranded vessel, and at 2 AM. on the 20th April they succeeded in refloating her..