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The S.S. Brighton

The s.s. Brighton, of Newcastle, whilst bound from the North for Calais "on the llth June, stranded on Deal Bank. The vessel was observed from the shore, and the Reserve Life-boat, which is at present stationed at Deal, was launched to her assistance. When the boat got near to the stranded vessel the anchor was let go and the boat veered down to her; the Second Coxswain, Thomas Adams, Junior, went on board and asked the captain if he required any assistance, and informed him that the vessel would probably refloat on the rising tide.

The boat then remained in the vicinity of the vessel until she refloated, and the captain having expressed his thanks to the men for coming to his assistance, j the boat returned to her station, where ; she arrived at 7.40 A.M. after being i afloat for four hours..