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The Barquintine Erik Gjessen

The bar- quentine Erik Ojessen, of Skudescae, whilst bound from Haugesund to Leith in ballast, stranded about two and a half miles south of Newburgh on the 29th October. A moderate S.E. breeze was blowing at the time, but the sea j was very heavy, and the Life-boat James Stevens No. 19 was promptly sent to the assistance of the vessel. The Life-boat was launched opposite to the wreck, and as soon as she got alongside six men of the crew were taken off.

The master, however, declined to leave his vessel. In the meanwhile the life- saving apparatus got a line over the wreck, and as they expressed the inten- tion of remaining on duty until daylight the boat returned ashore and landed the rescued men. She was then taken back to her station. Later, signals of distress were observed, and it was re- ported that the vessel was beginning to break up and wreckage was being washed ashore. But as it was realized that the vessel had driven further up on to the beach, and would probably be high and dry before the boat could reach her, the Life-boat was not again dispatched. The master was subse- quently rescued at low water by a salmon-fishing boat, and he expressed his regret that he had refused to leave his vessel as desired by the Life boat crew..