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Swan and Harwich

The ketch Swan, of Grimsby, and the barge Harwich, of Harwich, the former carrying a crew of four hands and the latter three hands, stranded about three miles S.S.W.

of Gibraltar Point during a moderate northerly gale and very heavy sea, on the 17th July. The Coastguard on the look-out observed the vessels, and as the smack appeared to be drifting before the gale, they called out the Life-boat Samuel Lewis. When the Life-boat reached the vessels, Coxswain Grunnill found that the ketch was aground, having sprung a bad leak, and the crew were taking refuge on board the barge.

Six Life boatmen were put on board the barge and, on the flood tide, they refloated her and got her into deep water. They remained with her until daylight, and then took her in safety to Boston Dock. The crew of the ketch in the meanwhile had been taken into the Life-boat, which returned to Skegness and landed them..