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Fish Carrier Khartoum

During foggy but smooth weather on the 6th June, information was received that a trawler had run ashore on the Bell Buoy Shoal, Scroby Sands. The crew of the Mark Lane were promptly assembled and the boat, in tow of a tug, proceeded to the assistance of the stranded vessel. The Life-boatmen were engaged to try and refloat her and they succeeded in doing so about ten hours later. The ship saved proved to be the steam fish carrier Khartoum, of Hull, and belonged to the Hull Ice Company. She was bound to the London Market with a cargo of fish at the tune and carried a crew of thirteen hands.

Within an hour of her return, the Mark Lane was again called out and assisted another vessel which was observed ashore on the outer edge of the sand. She proceeded with all dis- patch in tow of a tug and found the S.S. Wilhelmina, of Sweden, ashore. The vessel was bound to Yarmouth with a cargo of wood and there were sixteen persons on board. The Life-boat reached the vessel at about 6.30 P.M.

and the crew, having been engaged to refloat her, succeeded in doing so at about 4 A.M. The steamer was then conducted safely into Yarmouth Roads.